Saturday, December 31, 2011

Jamaica's opposition wins elections in a landslide (AP)

KINGSTON, Jamaica ? On Jamaica's rutted streets, the complaints have been chronic ? home ownership is out of reach for most wage earners, the cost of electricity has skyrocketed, water service regularly fizzles out and decent jobs are scarce.

Fed up with chronic hard times, voters in this debt-wracked Caribbean nation on Thursday threw out the ruling party and delivered a landslide triumph to the opposition People's National Party, or PNP, whose campaign energetically tapped voter disillusionment especially among the numerous struggling poor.

The win marks a remarkable political comeback for former Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller, who was Jamaica's first female leader during her year-and-a-half-long first stint in office that ended in 2007. The 66-year-old known affectionately as "Sista P" reached out to Jamaicans as a champion of the poor with a popular touch.

"She cares about the ghetto people," said Trishette Bond, a twenty-something resident of gritty Trench Town who wore an orange shirt and a bright orange wig, the color of Simpson Miller's slightly center-left party, which led the island for 18 years before narrowly losing 2007 elections.

As word of her election win emerged Thursday night, PNP supporters shimmied and shouted in the capital, Kingston, and motorists honked horns in celebration as they tore down the streets.

"I am humbled as I stand before you and I wish to thank the Jamaican people for their love, for their support and for giving the People's National Party and the leader of the party her own mandate," she said, after receiving hugs from numerous candidates, some crying.

Simpson Miller defeated Prime Minister Andrew Holness, who at 39 is Jamaica's youngest leader and leads the center-right Jamaica Labor Party.

Holness said the defeat will prompt a time of introspection and reflection for party leaders to examine what went wrong.

"I wish the new government well. We hope for the benefit of the country that they will do a good job," said Holness, who warned during the campaign that an opposition win would scare away foreign investment and dash hopes of economic progress.

While official results have not been released, elections director Orrette Fisher told The Associated Press that preliminary results showed Simpson Miller heading to victory.

"Based on the margins, it appears safe to say" that Simpson Miller's party won, Fisher said shortly after Jamaican newspapers and broadcasters called the election for the PNP. He expected his office to release the official count and breakdown of parliamentary seats on Saturday.

News station TVJ said Simpson Miller's People's National Party won 41 seats in parliament and Holness's Jamaica Labor Party 22.

Simpson Miller is beloved by her supporters for her folksy, plainspoken style. She became Jamaica's first female prime minister in March 2006 after she was picked by party delegates when P.J. Patterson retired as leader. But she was tossed out of office a year later in a narrow election defeat.

This time around, she has pledged to lift debt-wracked Jamaica out of poverty, secure foreign investment, and create jobs. Specifics are few, however.

Her party will face deep economic problems in this island of 2.8 million people, with a punishing debt of roughly $18.6 billion, or 130 per cent of gross domestic product. That's a rate about 10 percentage points higher than debt-troubled Italy's.

Veteran opposition lawmaker Omar Davies said one of the first things the People's National Party will do is get "a true assessment of the state of the economy," a dig at Holness' party which was accused of rarely providing citizens with a clear picture of the island's dire fiscal straits.

Holness, who became prime minister two months ago after Bruce Golding, Jamaica's leader since 2007, abruptly stepped down in October amid anemic public backing, won his parliamentary seat with 54 percent of the vote.

Simpson Miller has been a stalwart of the People's National Party since the 1970s. She was first elected to Parliament in 1976 and became a Cabinet member in 1989. Partisans have long admired Simpson Miller as a Jamaican who was born in rural poverty and grew up in a Kingston ghetto, not far from the crumbling concrete jungle made famous by Bob Marley.

During her brief tenure as prime minister, her support waned amid complaints she responded poorly to Hurricane Dean and was evasive about a scandal regarding a Dutch oil trading firm's $460,000 payment to her political party leading up to 2007 elections.

The two top candidates' different styles were clear while they cast their votes.

Holness is largely seen as unexciting, but bright and pragmatic. He whisked into the voting center in the middle class area of Mona, barely interacting with voters. After being heckled by an opposition partisan, he said he was "very confident" of a Labor victory and departed after taking three questions from reporters.

By contrast, Simpson Miller hugged and chatted with supporters at a school in Whitfield Town and told election workers to help struggling elderly voters.

Her party, which experimented with democratic socialism in the 1970s, is still perceived as more focused on social programs than the slightly more conservative Labor. There are no longer stark ideological differences between the two clan-like factions that have dominated Jamaican politics since the onetime British colony began self-rule in 1944. Jamaica became independent within the British Commonwealth in 1962.


Associated Press Writer Howard Campbell in Kingston contributed to this report.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Women's college basketball: ORU at South Dakota

ORU, seeking a third straight Summit League regular-season title, visits new league member South Dakota for the first time. The Coyotes are reclassifying from Division II, and will not be eligible to qualify for the conference tournament until 2012-13, the year ORU moves into the Southland Conference.

ORU leads the league in scoring at 75.5 points per game, but USD is tops in scoring defense, allowing 48.4 points.

The Coyotes are also first in field goal percentage defense, allowing opponents to shoot 32.5 percent. USD 6-foot-4 senior Jodie Boss leads the league with 4.0 blocked shots per game, and is fifth nationally.

Another USD senior, 6-foot-1 Amber Hegge, is third in the league in scoring (18.4), tied for first in rebounding (8.4) and first in shooting (.583, 70-for-120).

The Golden Eagles' Kevi Luper leads the league in scoring and is second nationally at 24.6 points per game.


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College Sues Obama Admin Over Morning After Pill Mandate

by Kristen Walker | Washington, DC | | 12/28/11 5:43 PM

The Washington Times reported Thursday that Colorado Christian College is suing the Obama administration.

If you?re thinking to yourself, ?Self, if someone?s suing the Obama administration it?s probably because of health care,? well, you?re right. Last year, Kathleen Sebelius, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, issued a mandate as part of the health care reform bill requiring businesses to pay for Plan B and ella, two ?emergency? contraceptives.

Insurers will be required to provide these medications ? which can be used to cause abortions ? without a co-pay. In layman?s terms, they would be free.

But you and I know nothing is free. Who pays for that abortion pill? The taxpayer. In other words: you.

Although medical literature states these drugs will not terminate an ?established? pregnancy, they don?t tell you exactly what ?established? means. The drug information for both Plan B and ella states that they can stop or delay ovulation, or they can keep a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall.

When used effectively as an emergency contraceptive, it is obviously too late for the drug to keep a woman from ovulating. The woman takes the drug in that case to keep a fertilized egg ? which is to say, a zygote; which is to say, a living human being ? from implanting in the uterus. This is, quite simply, a very early abortion.

Colorado Christian College is suing on the grounds that this mandate violates freedom of speech and religion. There are still a few exceptions being made for religious objections, but the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and other organizations ? such as Colorado Christian College ? are saying the exemptions are not broad enough.

This week the USCCB ran a full-page ad in the New York Times and the Washington Post condemning the mandate. ?As written, the rule will force Catholic organizations that play a vital role in providing health care and other needed services either to violate their conscience or severely curtail those services,? the ad said. ?This would harm both religious freedom and access to health care.?

Discussing this with someone, I heard an argument I often hear: ?Well, you don?t get to choose where your tax money goes.?

I have two answers to that argument. First: well, we do get to choose. By voting. Except we the people did not get to vote on abortion. The Supreme Court discovered a right to abortion in the Constitution one day. ?Oh, hey, look! There it is!?

Second: so we don?t all get to order where our taxes go, a la carte. It would be pretty cool if you could fill in a little form and say, ?I want my money to only go to schools and roads, not to pay grants to ?artists? who submerge sharks in formaldehyde and call it ?Untitled No. 3: Man?s Existential Dilemma? so they can get invited to parties in SoHo.? It doesn?t work that way. We pay taxes and the government spends our money however they want.

But wait a second! We?re supposed to be in charge of the government and how it spends our money. In theory, they work for us.

So where do we draw the line? Here?s a hypothetical: we all wake up tomorrow and the President or the Speaker of the House comes on TV and says, ?Good morning, my fellow Americans. We?ve decided that 80% of all tax revenues will be spent building a giant machine that will find and murder all the world?s puppies.? Couldn?t we object to ? and stop ? our tax dollars being spent on a puppy-killing machine?

Or let?s say a government representative came on TV and said, ?From now on, some of your money is going to be spent to pay for other people?s abortions, and if you refuse, you?ll be fined.? That is exactly what?s happening.

All pro-lifers should be educated about these so-called ?abortion pills.? Our whole argument ? our entire cause ? is based on the simple, scientific fact that a unique, priceless human life begins at the moment of conception. If this is true ? and it is ? Plan B or ella, when used effectively as an emergency contraceptive, is every bit as responsible for the death of a living person as an abortionist.

Can we, as members of a free society, require people to participate ? financially or otherwise ? in an act they believe is wrong? This issue is different from one of, say, national defense, where Congress has the Constitutional authority to act as they see fit on behalf of the nation. This is the case of a private individual committing what I believe to be murder, and expecting me to foot the bill.

What do you think? Does Colorado Christian College have a case? Do you have a problem paying for other people?s abortions, whether caused by a pill or surgically? Note: Kristen Walker is Vice President of New Wave Feminists.This post originally appeared at the Live Action blog and is reprinted with permission.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Obamas in Hawaii: Golf, Dinner, Relaxation (ABC News)

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Chinese pegging Yuan to the Dollar

UFOinsider wrote:

China is actively buying up European portfolios: debt, currency, swaps, you name it, and they're trying to associate their currency to that as well. The sad part is that I believe the Euro is very overvalued...not unlike the British pound before Soros' big score, maybe even worse, and I don't think the Chinese fully understand markets when it comes to currency. Europe currently is a net consumer. We are too, but it can be fixed...Europe has simply exhausted their natural resource base. Our currency is more or less going to remain stable, regardless of debt level (we will reign it in) but Europe's will suffer a larger fluctuation, and this could impact the Chinese. The thing to remember with China is that it's a totalitarian regimen, so the value of the yuan inside China is what the government says it is. They will brutally enforce this and will prolong their own misery by doing so until the country either gets MORE autocratic and chokes itself (like N. Korea), or opens up and deals with things constructively (I think it will, and it's just a matter of time).

They're walking a very dangerous line by creating a 'backup' peg to the Euro. On paper, this helps them balance their accounting. In reality, it puts more decision making power into American hands because, well, we run things right now, and freeing us up from financial ties in favor of diplomatic ones lets us make them Europe's problem. In fact, the Euro might actually survive the half baked crap they've come up with these last few weeks, but I think the strain that China will put on them will force a larger correction.

The thing to remember with China is that they have a history of the following:
* Importing currency and holding it: they bankrupted the British Empire of silver
* Do not see outsiders as worth conquering
* Are inwardly focused and aren't very engaged in the world (this is changing)
* Are a net producer at the end of the day, and can resort to actual trading vs buying/selling
* Political stagnation with periods of upheaval

Net/net, they'll just end up back where they were about five/ten years ago if everything melts down, minus the easy access to foreign capital. The only realistic, long term solution for them is to liberalize and accept free markets. If they try to crack down on the population, I think we'll see a revolution: they've done this TWICE in the last hundred years, so it's entirely within the realm of possible.

SOOOO, that's the high level.

Long answer short: they really CAN'T break the peg and not suffer, they'll just shuffle around the issue and take stop gap measures until they explode...because that's how they roll. There's a slim chance of them just restructuring themselves according to the rules of sanity and logic (ie, capitalism + democracy). Hopefully, when the dust settles, they'll have a better social order.

Sorry for the long answer


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Facebook unwelcome in Vietnam, but Zuckerberg OK

HANOI, Vietnam (AP) ? Vietnam may block its citizens from using Facebook, but that didn?t stop website founder Mark Zuckerberg from vacationing in the communist country.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Eve in the popular tourist destination Ha Long Bay, local official Trinh Dang Thanh says.

State-run media say Zuckerberg arrived in Vietnam on Dec. 22.

Zuckerberg spent Christmas Day at an ecolodge in the northern mountain town of Sapa and rode a buffalo, said Le Phuc Thien, deputy manager at Topas Ecolodge.

Zuckerberg, Facebook?s 27-year-old CEO, founded the social networking site in 2004.

Vietnam?s aggressive Internet censors block access to Facebook and other websites, but young Vietnamese easily bypass the restrictions.


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Our Favorite Celebrity Couples Of 20111676487

From Britney and Jason to K-Stew and R-Pattz, we look back at the best high-profile pair-ups of the year.
By Jocelyn Vena

Jason Trawick and Britney Spears
Photo: WireImage

From young love to established romantic empires, 2011 was all about PDA. Some of La La Land's most A-list couples weren't shy about flaunting the love they share. From musicians to actors to everyone in between, the last 12 months were all about sharing the love. As the year winds down, MTV News is reflecting on some of our favorite couples of the year.

Britney Spears and Jason Trawick
The couple walked red carpets, gave each other shout-outs at awards shows and even got naked together in Britney's "Criminal" video, but it wasn't until December that they decided to make it official. After two years of dating, Spears and Trawick took their relationship to the next level, with confirmation that Jason put a ring on it. The pair celebrated their love and their impending nuptials in Las Vegas. Their engagement sparked headlines and left Spears "glowing." Who is your top couple of 2011? Vote in our Newsroom poll! Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez
Summing up Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez's year into a little blurb isn't that easy. They went to events together, and Bieber lavishly rented the Staples Center just to watch "Titanic." And when they weren't chilling out, they were giving shine to each other's hard work. Or bringing each other gifts. Remember when Bieber showed Selena his pet snake, Johnson, at the VMAs? Yes, we knew you wouldn't forget. Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson
The two "Twilight" stars seem poised to make our favorite couples lists for years to come. While in years past, they've remained under the radar, this year they came out of their shell and opened up about one another in interviews. Who could forget the time that K-Stew referred to her not-so-mysterious "English" boyfriend in an interview? We're assuming not R-Pattz.

Beyoncé and Jay-Z
OK, so Beyoncé and Jay-Z have been together for, like, an eternity, but it wasn't until this year that the pair really had everyone buzzing. When Beyoncé stepped out at the VMAs, her expanding midsection and flashy performance was the ultimate pregnancy announcement. Jay-Z didn't seem to mind all the attention. He celebrated the baby news in the audience with his pal Kanye West. Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose
Amber Rose rebounded from her relationship with Kanye West by falling in love with Wiz Khalifa. The couple took the world on their wild relationship ride, from doing interviews together to sparking rumors that they had tied the knot. These two kept everyone talking and they don't seem to mind the attention, or spending lots of time with one another. Who was your favorite celebrity couple of 2011? Tell us in the comments!

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

49erswebzone: Kawakami: It wasn't pretty, but 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh got what he wanted #49ers [The Mercury News]

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Philippine floods death toll jumps to nearly 1,500

A Philippine army medic wearing a Santa hat prepares to examine a baby during a medical mission for flash flood victims at an evacuation center in Cagayan de Oro city, southern Philippines on Christmas day Sunday Dec. 25, 2011. Thousands of residents continue to be housed in evacuation centers after flash floods brought about by tropical storm Washi, that washed away their homes and killed more than a thousand people. The government disaster agency NDRRMC said more than a thousand others remain missing. (AP Photo/Froilan Gallardo)

A Philippine army medic wearing a Santa hat prepares to examine a baby during a medical mission for flash flood victims at an evacuation center in Cagayan de Oro city, southern Philippines on Christmas day Sunday Dec. 25, 2011. Thousands of residents continue to be housed in evacuation centers after flash floods brought about by tropical storm Washi, that washed away their homes and killed more than a thousand people. The government disaster agency NDRRMC said more than a thousand others remain missing. (AP Photo/Froilan Gallardo)

Flash flood victims walk back to their temporary shelter with relief goods in Iligan city, southern Philippines on Christmas day Sunday Dec. 25, 2011. Thousands of residents continue to be housed in evacuation centers after flash floods triggered by tropical storm Washi, that washed away their homes and killed more than a thousand people. The government disaster agency NDRRMC said more than a thousand others remain missing. (AP Photo)

Flash flood victims cross a river after receiving relief goods in Iligan city, southern Philippines on Christmas day Sunday Dec. 25, 2011. Thousands of residents continue to be housed in evacuation centers after flash floods triggered by tropical storm Washi, that washed away their homes and killed more than a thousand people. The government disaster agency NDRRMC said more than a thousand others remain missing. (AP Photo)

(AP) ? The death toll from flash floods that swept away entire villages in the southern Philippines climbed to nearly 1,500 on Tuesday, as authorities widened their search for bodies.

The Office of Civil Defense's latest tally listed 891 dead in Cagayan de Oro and an additional 451 in nearby Iligan city. The rest came from several other provinces. Most of the dead are unidentified.

"The search will continue as long as we are recovering bodies," said Civil Defense head Benito Ramos.

He said that decomposing remains were retrieved floating in the sea as far as 60 miles (100 kilometers) from the two cities where a Dec. 16 tropical storm unleashed more than a month's worth of rainfall in 12 hours, sending walls of water gushing into homes.

One of the dead was a headless girl who appeared to have been hit by logs that were carried by flash floods, Ramos said. She was among 13 bodies retrieved by a team of navy sailors.

Navy and coast guard divers were initially sent to find more bodies believed to be pinned down by logs scattered in the sea and along riverbanks, but Ramos said the operation had to be called off because waters were too murky. "It's useless to dive when you can see nothing," he said.

It was not clear how many more are missing.

More than 60,000 homeless from hundreds of flood-ravaged villages spent a miserable Christmas in jam-packed schools and gymnasiums, while the United Nations launched an urgent appeal for $28 million to help the displaced ? more than half the population of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, which are in the southern Philippines' Mindanao region.

More rains Tuesday prompted evacuations of nearly 2,000 people on the opposite side of Mindanao Island, where a child was reported missing in floods in Surigao city, the civil defense reported.

President Benigno Aquino III, who banned logging in February following previous flooding deaths that experts say were caused partly by deforestation and soil erosion, has ordered an investigation.

Communist guerrillas in the south, meanwhile, threatened to punish multinational companies they blame for environmental destruction.

Rebel spokesman Jorge Madlos told The Associated Press by telephone that they sought funds for victims from huge pineapple and banana plantations and other companies.

"Some were lukewarm to our call," Madlos said. "That'll be a factor when we decide which ones to punish first for this destruction."

Another factor in the staggering death toll was illegal settlements along Cagayan rivers. Thousands of people lived in shanties on the banks and islands directly along the water's path.


Associated Press writer Jim Gomez contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Monday, December 26, 2011

eBlogs: Wedding Colors - by Charissa Bear - Kindle Edition.

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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Lions in, Eagles out, heading into NFL finales

A fan holds a sign for the Detroit Lions making the playoffs in the third quarter of an NFL football game against the San Diego Chargers in Detroit, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011. Detroit won 38-10 to clinch a playoff spot. (AP Photo/Rick Osentoski)

A fan holds a sign for the Detroit Lions making the playoffs in the third quarter of an NFL football game against the San Diego Chargers in Detroit, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011. Detroit won 38-10 to clinch a playoff spot. (AP Photo/Rick Osentoski)

El quarterback Matthew Stafford (9) festeja con simpatizantes luego que los Lions de Detroit vencieron a los Chargers de San Diego 38-10 para clasificar a los playoffs por primera vez desde 1999, el s?bado 24 de diciembre de 2011 en Detroit. (Foto AP/Duane Burleson)

Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick (7) hands the ball off during the first half of an NFL football game, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011, in Arlington, Texas. (AP Photo/The Waco Tribune-Herald, Jose Yau)

New York Jets' Darrelle Revis, left, tries to bring down New York Giants' Hakeem Nicks during the second quarter of an NFL football game, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2011, in East Rutherford, N.J. (AP Photo/Julio Cortez)

The Lions are in; the Eagles are out. Atlanta is closing in on a playoff berth, as is Cincinnati, while the Bears, Jets and Raiders need some help.

All part of a wild closing act to the NFL season.

With two games remaining this weekend before teams hunker down for their finales (Chicago at Green Bay on Sunday night, Atlanta at New Orleans on Monday night), the most notable news was made by Detroit.

The last time the Lions were a force, Barry Sanders was in their backfield. Sanders retired after the 1998 season, and Detroit made the postseason the next year then plummeted to the bottom of the league. In 2008, the Lions posted the only 0-16 record in NFL history.

Now, they're in the chase for the championship. Their 38-10 rout of San Diego secured an NFC wild card.

"Once you get to the playoffs, it's anybody's ballgame," defensive end Cliff Avril said. "The city of Detroit needs it. They've been waiting on us to win for a while. It's such a football town and we haven't been winning, so it's huge."

At 10-5, the Lions join North champion Green Bay, West winner San Francisco and South leader New Orleans in the postseason parade. Either Dallas or the New York Giants also will get there ? they meet next Sunday night at the Meadowlands in a winner-take-all matchup.

So if the Cowboys and Giants, both 8-7, are battling for the NFC East crown, where does that leave the Eagles, the most disappointing team in the league?

Dreaming of the playoffs.

The team that "won" free agency after the NFL lockout by signing such prizes as cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha, defensive end Jason Babin and receiver Steve Smith needs to beat Washington next Sunday to finish at .500. Not much return on the dollar for Philly.

"If we had gotten into the playoffs, we would have definitely done some damage," Michael Vick said after the Eagles (7-8) beat Dallas 20-7 on Sunday. "It's unfortunate we didn't. That's the game of football. We made some mistakes early (this season) and got behind in the win-loss column. But we're just happy we're finishing strong."

Finishing strong but going to the playoffs: New England, which won its seventh in a row by rallying from a 17-0 hole to beat Miami 27-24. It was the 10th time this season a team has come back from at least 17 points to win, the most in a single NFL season.

"All the while, we never gave up on one another and never said anything negative to one another," defensive lineman Vince Wilfork said. "Going down 17-0 is a pretty big deficit, but once again this team showed its character."

The AFC East champion Patriots (12-3) would get home-field advantage for the playoffs by beating Buffalo next weekend.

Green Bay (13-1 heading into its home game against Chicago) needs one more win to grab the home-field edge in the NFC.

That's the simple stuff. As for the chaotic, well, just one look at the AFC wild-card race after Sunday's results can make your head spin.

Suffice to say that the Bengals (9-6) are in control. But if they lose to Baltimore (11-4), which needs a victory to clinch the AFC North over Pittsburgh (also 11-4), it brings three other teams into play for the final AFC berth: Tennessee, Oakland and the New York Jets.

The Jets (8-7), like Philadelphia, are one of the NFL's major flops this year. For much of the stretch drive, the Jets were in charge of the chase for the second AFC wild card. They kept messing up, though, and after Sunday's ugly 29-14 loss to the Giants, they barely are relevant.

"We play this game to win the Super Bowl," star cornerback Darrelle Revis said. "So even to be talking about that excites me, and I think it excites the team for us to go out there and try to win the Super Bowl. That's what it's about. It's not about nothing else."

Unless everyone else in the AFC wild-card scramble loses, Revis and company can forget the Super Bowl this winter.

Among the notable individual performance in Week 16:

? Reggie Bush went over 1,000 yards rushing for the first time in his career, gaining 113 in Miami's loss to New England.

? The Rams' Steven Jackson ran for 103 yards in a 27-0 loss to Pittsburgh to go over 1,000 on the season for the seventh straight year.

? Seattle's Marshawn Lynch scored the first TD rushing against San Francisco all season, a 4-yarder. It was the 11th straight game in which he had a touchdown.

? 49ers kicker David Akers set an NFL record with 42 field goals for the season, including four in the 19-17 win at Seattle.

? Carolina's Cam Newton broke Peyton Manning's NFL rookie record for yards passing in a season with 3,893 as the Panthers routed Tampa Bay 48-16.

? Denver's Willis McGahee joined Ricky Watters as the only players to reach 1,000 yards rushing with three teams. He previously did it with Buffalo and Baltimore.

Associated Press


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Amid Eurozone debt crisis, US approves Deutsche Boerse-NYSE Euronext deal

WASHINGTON ?- Deutsche Boerse won US antitrust approval to buy NYSE Euronext on Thursday in a $9 billion deal that has hit serious antitrust headwinds in Europe.


The Justice Department said on Thursday that the deal, which was announced in February, won approval on condition that a Deutsche Boerse subsidiary, the International Securities Exchange, divest its 31.5 percent interest in Direct Edge.


Direct Edge is the fourth-largest US exchange, the department said.


Despite the divestiture, Deutsche Boerse and NYSE must continue to provide some services to Direct Edge, the department said.


In Europe, there have been weeks of negotiations during which European Union antitrust staff made clear their reservations about approving a combination of Deutsche Boerse's Eurex and NYSE Euronext's Liffe on concerns that the merged entity would have a monopoly over European listed derivatives trading.


Both Boerse and NYSE Euronext have said they would not pursue the merger if they were asked to divest either Eurex or Liffe. A formal decision by the European Commission is not expected until January or early February. ? Reuters


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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Yankees Baseball Daily-Must Watch Television


The YES Network made a fantastic move last off-season, perhaps bigger than any acquisition any MLB team made. The YES Network added former New York Times writer Jack Curry.

Curry is one of the smartest, articulate speakers in sports right now, and the YES Network is using him exactly how he should be used.

Curry writes for the YES Network website, hosts Yankees Access, a fantastic behind the scenes show with different Yankees players each week, and also participates in the show "Yankees Baseball Daily."

Yankees Baseball Daily is a nightly roundtable discussion of the recent happenings in baseball between different baseball analysts.

Regular analysts include Jon Heyman, Mark Feinsand, David Waldstein, Tyler Kepner, Jack Curry, and Willie Randolph. While the first two names may not make some very excited, Waldstein, Kepner, Curry, and Randolph all bring fascinating takes each night they appear.

Randolph should have a future as an analyst, and it would not surprise me if the YES Network hires him.

With Bob Lorenz leading the crew, Yankees Baseball Daily provides insight into possible transactions, and brings information to the table that fans can not hear or read elsewhere. Often former or current major/minor leaguers are interviewed, including Mason Williams, Andrew Bailey, Joe Torre, and more.

If you don't tune into Yankees Baseball Daily each night, you are missing out!


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Friday, December 23, 2011

The Beginning of the End of the 9-to-5 Workday? (

The traditional eight-hour workday may soon be the exception rather than the rule. New evidence shows that we?re reaching a tipping point in terms of workplace flexibility, with businesses seeing the wisdom of allowing employees ? young ones especially ? to work odd hours, telecommute and otherwise tweak the usual 9-to-5 grind.

One of the?top 12 trends for 2012 as named by the communications firm Euro RSCG Worldwide is that employees in the Gen Y, or millennial, demographic ? those born between roughly 1982 and 1993 ? are overturning the traditional workday.

The Business and Professional Women?s Foundation estimates that by 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be Gen Y. As early as next year, this group of younger Americans will comprise 60% of the employees at companies like Ernst & Young. And increasingly, companies are creating workplace-flexibility programs because it makes good business sense, not in the least because that?s what their employees are demanding.

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Gen Y-ers are spearheading this change because they don?t want the same work environment their parents had. Between new technology and global workplace dynamics, companies are implementing flexible work arrangements for everyone, inclusive of Gen Y. A recent Vodafone U.K. survey illustrates that 90% of employers enable work flexibility instead of sticking to traditional hours.

Leading the charge in the shift toward allowing employees to work anywhere around the world, at any time they want, are companies such as Ernst & Young, Aflac and MITRE, which all realize that they need to accommodate employees? personal lives if they want to retain them. ?This notion of an eight-hour day is rapidly disappearing, simply because we work so virtually and globally,? says Maryella Gockel, Ernst & Young?s flexibility-strategy leader. By understanding Gen Y-ers? need for workplace flexibility, companies are better able to recruit and grow young talent for the future.

Aside from the early adopters of workplace-flexibility programs, many other companies are hesitant because of the traditional ?command and control? approach laid out for older generations. The challenge these companies face is letting go and trusting their young employees ? even when they are telecommuting or using Facebook regularly at work.

(LIST: 10 Money Moves to Make Before 2012)

Many companies fear that, without structure, employees will be distracted, not as engaged and less productive. In fact, the opposite is often true. A trusting work environment breeds more-loyal employees and increases efficiency. Here are three reasons for companies to embrace workplace-flexibility programs:

1. Gen Y workers won?t accept jobs where they can?t access Facebook. Cisco?s ?Connected World Technology? report shows that more than half of Gen Y employees prioritize social-media freedom over a higher salary when evaluating a job offer. Furthermore, more than half say the Internet is an integral part of their lives. Gen Y-ers wants to be connected to their friends and families, not just their co-workers, throughout the day. Although some companies ban social media at work, other companies have embraced it as long as employees use it professionally. ?We do want people to use social networks in order to keep in touch with their colleagues and contacts,? explains Gockel, whose company has no formal social-media guidelines or policies.

(MORE: The Blackberry Moral, Or: The Trouble With Too Many Options)

2. Gen Y-ers value workplace flexibility over more money. More than one-third (37%) of Gen Y workers would take a pay cut if it meant more flexibility on the job, reports a study by Mom Corps. Flexibility motivates these workers to be more productive and loyal to their companies because they feel like they are respected. An employer that allows flexibility in the workplace also demonstrates that it understands the evolving modern-day work environment, which bodes well for the future.

3. Gen Y workers are always connected to jobs through technology. Technology has made the traditional 9-to-5 model blurry ? for all workers, of all generations, really. No one is ever out of touch or off the clock. When workers go home, they?re still working because who they are personally and professionally have become one and the same. Workers are always representing the company, and more and more, it seems, work e-mail doesn?t stop for anything or anyone. By no means does time away from the office equal less work getting done.

Schawbel?is the managing partner of Millennial Branding LLC, a full-service?personal-branding?agency. He is the author of? Me 2.0: 4 Steps to Building Your Future, founder of the blog Personal Branding and publisher of? Personal Branding magazine.?


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5 iPhone Apps for Last-Minute Christmas Ecards [PICS] (Mashable)

If you've missed the last snail mail drop-off date before the Holidays, don't panic! To save you trawling through the App Store, we've found five festive iPhone apps that let you send great greeting cards to friends and family via email and various social networks. From simple vintage designs you can email from your handset, to completely customizable offerings you can share to Facebook and Twitter on the go, our five tried and tested apps offer a range of super solutions to suit.

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Take a look through our gallery of sample card designs and let us know in the comments what your tactics are for last-minute Christmas card crises.

[More from Mashable: The 10 Most-Influential Retailers of the Holiday Season Online]

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

First Earth-sized planets spotted

The planets may once have harboured conditions favourable to life

Astronomers have detected the first Earth-sized planets, which are orbiting a star similar to our own Sun.

In the distant past they may have been able to support life and one of them may have had conditions similar to our own planet - a so-called Earth-twin - according to the research team.

They have described their findings as the most important planets ever discovered outside our Solar System.

Details of the discovery are outlined in Nature journal.

Dr Francois Fressin, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics in Cambridge, US, who led the research, said that the discovery was the beginning of a "new era" of discovery of many more planets similar to our own.

Both planets are now thought to be too hot to be capable of supporting life.

But according to Dr Fressin, the planets were once further from their star and cool enough for liquid water to exist on their surface, which is a necessary condition for life.

"We know that these two planets may have migrated closer to their Sun," he told BBC News. "(The larger of the two) might have been an Earth twin in the past. It has the same size as Earth and in the past it could have had the same temperature".

Rock and a hard place

One of the planets, named Kepler 20f, is almost exactly the size of the Earth. Kepler 20e is slightly smaller at 0.87 times the radius of Earth and is closer to its star than 20f.

Continue reading the main story

Kepler Space Telescope

  • Stares fixedly at a patch corresponding to 1/400th of the sky
  • Looks at more than 155,000 stars
  • Has so far found 2,326 candidate planets
  • Among them are 207 Earth-sized planets, 10 of which are in the "habitable zone" where liquid water can exist

They are both much closer to their star than the Earth is to the Sun and so they complete an orbit much more quickly: 20e circles its star in just six days, 20f completes an orbit in 20 days whereas the Earth takes a year.

The researchers say that these planets are rocky and similar in composition to our own planet.

Dr Fressin says that the planets' composition may be similar to Earth's with a third of it consisting of iron core. The remainder probably consists of a silicate mantle. He also believes that the outer planet (Kepler 20f) may have developed a thick, water vapour atmosphere.

The discovery is important because it is the first confirmation that planets the size of Earth and smaller exist outside our Solar System. It also shows that the Kepler Space Telescope is capable of detecting relatively small planets around stars that are thousands of light-years away.

The telescope has spotted more than 2,300 planet candidates, which must then be confirmed by other telescopes in space and back on Earth.

Of the 36 of these that have now been confirmed, only Kepler 20e is smaller than Earth.

Up until now, the most significant discovery, also by a group including Dr Fressin, was of a planet nearly two-and-a-half times the size of Earth that lay in the so-called "Goldilocks zone".

This is the region around a star where it is neither too hot, nor too cold, but just right for liquid water and therefore life to exist on the planet.

But Dr Fressin believes that the two new planets are a much more important discovery.

The telescope is scanning 150,000 stars and Professor Andrew Coates of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory in Surrey believes that they will soon find a planet that is not only the size of Earth in the Goldilocks zone, but Earth-like in its composition and atmosphere.

"With every new discovery we're getting closer to the 'holy grail' of an Earth-like planet around a Sun-like star," he said.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Rumors swirl over Gobi Desert's mysterious patterns

Alan Boyle writes

What are those strange white patterns in China's Gobi Desert? For weeks, experts have puzzled over the crazy lines that show up in satellite images.

Some of the theories have taken wild turns: Maybe they're messages directed at Earth-observing extraterrestrials, or part of a UFO development program, or the remains of ancient cities. But the leading theory is that these patterns serve a variety of purposes for the Chinese military, including calibrating satellite imaging systems and testing radar avoidance techniques. There have also been claims that these are "fractal antennas" to shield underground weapons facilities from ground-penetrating radar.

This particular crazy-quilt pattern was picked up on July 27 from an altitude of 423 miles by the Ikonos satellite, one of the spacecraft in a commercial Earth-imaging constellation operated by GeoEye. The picture is today's offering from the Cosmic Log Space Advent Calendar, which features views of Earth from space every day until Christmas.

Whatever the precise purpose of these patterns might be, it's not all that unusual for people to draw huge lines in the sand: Consider Peru's famous Nazca Lines, which were etched more than 1,500 years ago to form patterns that look like geometric shapes, insects and birds. Some of those patterns can be seen in their full form only from the air. More recently, archaeologists have puzzled over wheel-like patterns in the Middle East.

What do you think about the Gobi puzzles? Feel free to add your comments below, and check out these past entries from the Advent calendar:

Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's Facebook page, following @b0yle on Twitter and adding the Cosmic Log page to your Google+ presence. You can also check out "The Case for Pluto," my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Council taking up highrise ordinance (Offthekuff)

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chinese village activist's death suspicious: daughter (Reuters)

BEIJING (Reuters) ? The daughter of a Chinese villager whose death in custody has ignited days of protests has dismissed as groundless official explanations that he died of heart failure, as residents gathered in their thousands to mourn him.

Xue Jinbo died in southern Guangdong province as police moved to try to quell a long-standing dispute over land seizures in Wukan village on the east coast of the booming region. Since then, villagers have staged fresh protests.

Eldest daughter Xue Jianwan, in an interview published this week by an online Hong Kong magazine, said there were signs of bruising and physical abuse all over her father's body.

She also said authorities refused initially to tell the family where her father had been taken.

"My father had absolutely no history of heart problems. If he was really sick, they ought to have told his family immediately so we could go see him, but they did not," she told iSun Affairs.

"They kept saying if our village continued to demand the land, they most certainly would not let us see anyone or let anyone out," she said.

Jianwan told iSun Affairs that three unidentified men without an arrest warrant had pounced on her father, tied his hands with plastic binders and taken him away.

"My mother was beside herself and kept asking how my father was, was there anything wrong with his health, where he was and could we go and see him. They would not say, and kept putting us off," she told the magazine.

Finally they produced a document that said Jinbo had died after being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Officials then eventually produced the body.

"There were bruises all over, his hands were puffy and there were bruises on his wrists. There were wounds and it looked like his thumbs had been pulled back and broken," Jianwan said. "On his back there were many marks showing he had been beaten or stamped on."

Residents reached by telephone on Friday that the whole village turned out to mourn Jinbo. One resident put the number at 7,000.

"Everyone is still very angry. The government still has not returned the body," said one villager, asking not be identified due to the sensitive nature of the situation.

"This unrest could go on for some time. I'm worried about how it's all going to end," added another.

The government says that Jinbo fell ill on Sunday, his third day in detention on suspicion of helping organize the rally. State media says hospital doctors later pronounced the man dead from heart failure.

The government of Shanwei, a district including Wukan, said on Wednesday a "handful" of Communist Party members and officials accused of misdeeds over the disputed land development were detained and that the main land development project had been suspended, the official Xinhua news agency reported.

In a bid to allay suspicions that other villagers detained over unruly protests in September had been abused, the local government put online footage of four suspects being visited by relatives and reassuring them of their well-being.

Although the Communist Party has ruled over decades of growth that have protected it from challenges to its power, China is confronted by thousands of smaller-scale protests every year.

One expert on unrest, Sun Liping of Tsinghua University in Beijing, estimated that there could have been over 180,000 "mass incidents" in 2010.

But many Chinese experts put numbers at about half that in recent years. The government has not given any unrest statistics for years.

(Reporting by Chris Buckley and Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie)


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What will be the biggest Golden Globe shocker?

How will the Golden Globes entertain us this year? And by entertain, of course, we mean stupefy.

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Nominations are out Thursday morning. Here are some guesses as to what'll get folks scratching their heads ? and recalling "Tourist" nods past:

MORE: Who's Oscar season not being kind to?

- Johnny Depp: No, not for "The Tourist," but for either the latest "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie (he's been nominated twice before for playing Capt. Jack Sparrow), or "The Rum Diary." If you haven't seen Depp's name in the Oscar mix, it's because the Oscars doesn't have a Musical or Comedy category. Remember: All Globe weirdness stems from the Hollywood Foreign Press having to fill out its Musical or Comedy fields. (Well, almost all Globe weirdness...)

- Any Comedy (or Musical) That's Not "The Artist," "Bridesmaids" and "Midnight in Paris" ? i.e., the Legit Locks: See above.

- "Footloose": Ditto.

- "The Muppets": Tritto ? sort of. Critics really did love this reboot, so the idea of Kermit as an awards-season heavyweight isn't crazy like Animal.

RELATED: Five Things to Know About Miss Golden Globe 2012

- Julia Roberts: Even more than her "Larry Crowne" pal, Tom Hanks, the Hollywood Foreign Press loves it some "Pretty Woman." Last year, the group nominated Roberts for "Duplicity" ? "Duplicity"! So, yes, basically anything can happen after the Globes pencils in its requisite Comedy or Musical Best Actress nods for Charlize Theron ("Young Adult"), Kristen Wiig ("Bridesmaids") and "The Artist's" Berenice Bejo, unless, that is, Bejo is positioned as a supporting actress, as she was at the Screen Actors Guild nominations.

- Jennifer Aniston: Can the star-driven Hollywood Foreign Press resist the urge to nominate Aniston for "Just Go With It," thereby engineering a red-carpet reunion with Brad Pitt, who'll surely be up for "Moneyball" and maybe "The Tree of Life," too? Probably, but it is a fun idea.

- Robert Downey Jr.: He won for the first "Sherlock Holmes," why couldn't he be in the Globes game for the sequel, "A Game of Shadows"?

- Pia Zadora: Granted, this one-time winner didn't appear in a single TV show or film in the past year (or decade), but never, ever underestimate the Globes. In other words, somebody you (and we) haven't imagined getting nominated will get nominated. That's what makes Ricky Gervais' job so easy.

PHOTOS: 2011 Golden Globe Noms?!

? 2011 E! Entertainment Television, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

GOP hopeful Paul says no Medicare in Constitution (AP)

PETERBOROUGH, N.H. ? Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul wants the federal government out of the health care business.

Paul is known for his libertarian views, and he's drawing lots of people in this week's swing through New Hampshire.

He told an overflow crowd of about 500 at an event Tuesday night that there's no provision in the Constitution for Medicare and Medicaid, the federal programs that cover millions of seniors and children.

The congressman from Texas says individual states should be left to provide whatever health care coverage they want.

Paul says he doesn't want to throw seniors and children off federal health care programs. But he says a free society shouldn't let government meddle in important services like health care.


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Senate panel acts against lawmaker insider trading

(AP) ? A Senate committee has approved a bill that would prohibit members of Congress and their employees from using nonpublic information to enrich themselves.

The bill also would extend its restrictions throughout the federal government. However, the government-wide impact would be unclear because each agency already has restrictions in place.

The bill went to the full Senate, which is unlikely to take it up this year. There is a similar bill before a House committee.

Members and employees of Congress would have to disclose any stock or commodities transaction of $1,000 or more within 30 days. The reports would be available online.

The bill was approved by the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.



Associated Press


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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Lady Gaga to talk bullying at White House

By Courtney Hazlett

It's been confirmed that Lady Gaga will make an appearance at the White House on Tuesday afternoon?(no word on what her mode of transportation will be, but chances are good that this time around, it won't be an egg). While there, she's going to meet with Obama administration staffers to discuss her work on bullying prevention.?

Live Poll

What's your stance on celebrity activism?

  • 170249

    If a person with a huge following can have a positive impact, more power to them.


  • 170250

    No matter what, they should stick to what they're paid to do.


VoteTotal Votes: 690

Although the president is not going to be there (he's traveling to Kansas for a speech on the economy), the two have met before, when Gaga attended a pre-election fundraiser for Obama in California earlier this year.

So here's the question: how do you feel about celebs who take on a cause, as Gaga has with bullying? There's definitely a contingency out there who feels that the singers should stick to singing, the actors to acting, and so on. But I say, if the platform can be used for good, by all means, spread some good around. Take part in our vote if you want to weigh in.

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