Monday, December 31, 2012

Republican Senator says chances very good for limited "fiscal cliff" deal

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that chances for a limited "fiscal cliff" deal in the next 48 hours were "exceedingly good," as talks to avoid tax increases and spending cuts on New Year's Day went down to the wire.

"I think people don't want to go over the cliff if we can avoid it," Graham, a leading conservative, said on Fox News Sunday.

He predicted that Republicans in Congress were going to accept some form of tax increases for wealthier Americans and this would hand a victory to President Barack Obama, although a leading Democrat warned of a big gap in talks between the parties.

Obama was "going to get tax-rate increases" on upper income Americans in the talks as he wants, Graham said.

The leading Senators from both parties are working on a stopgap fiscal cliff deal to avoid taxes increasing for almost all Americans on New Year's Day. They would probably leave the details of some other thorny fiscal issues, like government spending cuts, until January.

Graham urged Republicans to make a stand later when the time comes for Congress to decide on raising the debt ceiling.

"This deal won't affect the debt situation, it will be a political victory for the president and I hope we'll have the courage of our convictions when it comes time to raise the debt ceiling to fight for what we believe as Republicans, but hats off to the president, he won," Graham said.

Lawmakers are seeking a last-minute deal that would set aside $600 billion in tax increases and across-the-board government spending cuts that are set to start within days. If Congress does not act, the measures would likely push the United States into a recession.

Senator Richard Durbin, a member of the Democratic leadership, told the "Face the Nation" show on CBS that there was still a "chasm" between the two parties in fiscal cliff negotiations, but anything was possible when Congress faced a deadline.

Graham said that if the Senate was unable to come up with the votes, it would be more difficult for any deal to get through the House of Representatives.

"And I want to vote for it, even though I won't like it ... because the country has got a lot at stake here," he said.

(Reporting By Tabassum Zakaria; Editing by David Brunnstrom)


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Wooden Pens from Woodcraft Turn-a-Thon On Their Way to American Service Personnel

Handcrafted wooden pens will soon be in the hands of American Service personnel ? thank-you gifts for their sacrifice and service to their country from volunteer woodturners in a program sponsored by Woodcraft.

Parkersburg, W. VA. (PRWEB) December 27, 2012

More than 10,000 American service personnel on active duty and in rehabilitation facilities will be receiving handmade wooden pens, thanks to Woodcraft retail customers and employees.

Woodturners gathered at Woodcraft stores all over the country on Veterans Day weekend for the ninth annual Turn for Troops National Turn-a-thon to make the one-of-a-kind wood pens ? 10,678 this year.

Among the turners at the Parkersburg, West Virginia, store was Alan Haught of Harrisville, whose son, Major Deron Haught, is retired from the U.S. Army. ?I like to let them know that there are people who care and think about them. Deron served in Iraq, so I know the feeling of having a loved one in danger,? Haught said. ?I put a card in with the pen and tell what kind of wood it is. I name the wood to give them a sense of something back home too. I usually get a few messages back each year from some of them too ? cards and emails.?

Haught has participated in the Turn for Troops event for four years. Like many of the turners, he learned to turn pens in a Woodcraft class, a gift from his daughter, Lori Milner, Woodcraft marketing manager, who joined him for the class.

Including the 2012 total, the volunteer woodturners have crafted 97,717 of the unique pens since the first Woodcraft Turn for Troops National Turn-a-thon in 2004.

For more information about Woodcraft, please contact the store nearest you, visit or call (800) 535-4482. To learn about Woodcraft franchise opportunities, call (800) 344-3348, visit or email woodcraftfranchise(at)woodcraft(dot)com.

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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

How to Save Time in the Kitchen this Christmas Holiday

Entry #1957, December 24, 2012

Preparing holiday meals three times a day is not easy. Moreover, you have to plan, shop, and prepare the meals and perform the cleaning job afterward. The whole process is time consuming and when it comes to prepare festive meal with all the trimmings, you have to allot even more times to it.

Perfectly cooked turkey, mouth-watering gravy, and delicious roast potatoes do not appear by magic. However, that does not mean that the cooking will take up hours of your day. Follow these tips to save time on cooking and to enjoy this festive season with your dear ones instead of slaving over a hot stove all day.

Image via:

Keep your holiday kitchen clean and tidy

Image via: Apartment Therapy

Make a Plan for Cooking:

Stop becoming experimental with cooking when it is Christmas time. Make a plan for preparing those dishes that you can cook well. Otherwise, you will end up spending your Christmas in the kitchen. Plus, sort out what items are essential for the lunch and what you can exclude from the list. Just for instance, people eat lots of nuts and chocolates during Christmas, so you do not really need to serve starters.

Work in Advance:

In order to lessen the workload, you can prepare some items in advance. It is a better option than getting up at 6 a.m. to start cooking so that you can serve at lunchtime. Organize all the utensils in a manner so that you can have them within your reach when needed. Sort out plates, glasses, bowls, and cutlery, wash them, and put them to one side. Check if the carving knives are sharp enough and if the jugs are ready for cream, bread sauce, and gravy. You can peel and chop carrots and sprouts the day before Christmas and store them in the fridge.

holiday kitchen ideas

Keep your holiday kitchen looking great this season

Image via: BHG

Save Time on Turkey:

You can save time by using one or two peeled onion for stuffing turkey and then cooking the stuffing in a different side dish. You can also prepare roast potatoes from raw beside turkey. It will take more time but will give you space for doing other necessary chores in the meantime. Another way to save time is to buy a ready-stuffed turkey.

christmas turkey

Save time with your turkey this season

Image via: The Grocer

Roast Vegetables:

Consider roasting vegetables as it will give you space for doing other things. You can put them in, put them out of your mind, and save on washing up. Parsnips, sprouts, and carrots can be roasted for Christmas meal.

This season keep yourself sane with these Christmas tips to save time and energy! Happy holidays to you.

For more holiday ideas on Stagetecture, click here.



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Benefits of Smart Travel Apps for Blackberry Users - Business Travel ...

If you are traveling outside, it becomes very essential to keep organized and informed otherwise their journey can turn into a headache. In this fast-paced world, it is not easy to keep track of all information. Consequently it becomes essential to carry a gadget that can make your life move in easier, economical and organized way. Whether you are a frequent traveler or not, BlackBerry smart phone is a significant companion for you while traveling. The Smartphone of Blackberry has entire features of a magazine, road maps, books and compact discs that can give you company while traveling.

From the time, Blackberry was introduced to the public along with applications; it brought a revolution in software. The mobile application store of Research in Motion has flooded it with different software including travel. TripCatch WorldMate is an essential application that is available in Blackberry and can be used while traveling with this smart phone. It is an application that automatically recognizes travel confirmation emails and synchronizes them to your itinerary without forwarding the confirmation emails. After installing WorldMate 4.0 in your phone, you will receive the first travel confirmation email that will activate a notification message asking if you want to add it to your WorldMate Trip. Approve it one-by-one or auto-import every travel email you get directly to WorldMate. This application takes care of your privacy very seriously.

Using BlackBerry Travel apps, you can save time and effort and avail all-in-one travel service for your BlackBerry? Smartphone. Services that you can enjoy through your Blackberry are:

Hire a limo for pickup.

Explore flights to any destination and get schedule of more than 800 airlines

Get information on flight changes & cancellations.

Explore best restaurants, night clubs and shopping centers with Yelp?

Use travel directory for hotel bookings and car rentals right from the app, in more than 20 currencies.

Get recommendations for any forgotten or wrongly booked items.

Find up-to-date exchange rates and convert sums easily in three currencies using currency converter

Get 5-day weather forecasts for any place in all over the world

View 5 world clocks together with automatic DST updates

Share travel plans with friends, family & colleagues through Social Networking sites

Synchronize your travel itinerary with your calendar

Use BlackBerry and Google Maps, AT&T Navigator / TeleNav, MapQuest Navigator and others to find any item/place

So anything is your reason to travel, whether you are on a family holiday or going for a business trip, it becomes essential to carry a phone that has all these applications. These applications not only make your trip easy and convenient but also keep you informed with several important aspects that are important to be known. Ranging from booking online flight ticket to knowing every latest update of your travel, the Smartphone of Blackberry helps you.

Author Bio: This is a guest post written by Amrita Barnwal, an avid travel blogger working with She writes about various dimensions of tourism and maintains blog to share exclusive travel ideas.


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Friday, December 21, 2012

We want your UFC 155 picks

UFC 155 is just over a week away, so it's time to start making your picks. Do you want your picks to show up on Cagewriter? Cool. We want the same. Here's how it works:

1. Check out the UFC 155 main card:
Junior dos Santos vs. Cain Velasquez - for heavyweight title
Joe Lauzon vs. Jim Miller
Tim Boetsch vs. Constantinos Philippou
Alan Belcher vs. Yushin Okami
Derek Brunson vs. Chris Leben
Leonard Garcia vs. Max Holloway

2. Pick a fight, and head to Cagewriter's Facebook page.

3. Tell us who will win, how they'll win it, and why. The why is important. Don't forget it.

We'll pick a few predictions per fight, and run them here with picks from Kevin Iole and me. It will be a yabba-dabba do good time.


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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Another day, another non-hockey-stick: 'A new paper published in Quaternary Research reconstructs June-July air temperature over the past 785 years in British Columbia, Canada'

'The paper shows that reconstructed temperatures at the end of the record in 2010 were colder than in the 1940's and during at least 6 other periods within the Little Ice Age from 1350-1850 AD. The temperature record shows there is nothing unusual, unnatural, unprecedented, or accelerated about the 20th and 21st centuries. The reconstructed temperatures of 2010 have been exceeded many times over the past 785 years, even during the Little Ice Age'


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Jamie Dupree's Washington Insider: Moving towards a fiscal cliff deal

It may still take some time to work out the final details, but we seem to be on the road to a deal on the tax and budget impasse known as the fiscal cliff, as the latest signs of an agreement came on Monday with a new offer by the White House.

After Speaker Boehner had proposed allowing tax rate increases on those making more than $1 million per year, the White House responded with its own offer of a $400,000 limit, up from the much discussed level of $250,000 per year.

The two sides were still apart on budget cuts, as Republicans said the latest Obama offer includes $1.3 trillion in revenue and $930 billion in budget savings - the GOP wants a one-for-one balance that is closer to $1 trillion.

"We hope to continue discussions with the President so we can reach an agreement that is truly balanced and begins to solve our spending problem," said Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck last night.

The White House, meanwhile, wasn't saying much in public about any of the details that were being worked on by the President.

"He believes that a deal is possible," said spokesman Jay Carney in his Monday briefing for reporters.

"As I?ve said in the past, he?s prepared to make tough choices," Carney added, as both sides say they are ready to make the difficult choices, while the other party is not.

We'll see if Tuesday brings any more headway in these negotiations.

At this point, it may be difficult to wrap up anything before Christmas, as votes between Christmas and New Year's may be needed to enact a fiscal cliff agreement.

Stay tuned.


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Preventing inherited disorders in humans: New technology allows transfer of cell nuclei between human egg cells

Dec. 19, 2012 ? A joint team of scientists from The New York Stem Cell Foundation (NYSCF) Laboratory and Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) has developed a technique that may prevent the inheritance of mitochondrial diseases in children.

The study is published online December 19 in Nature.

Dieter Egli, PhD, and Daniel Paull, PhD, of the NYSCF Laboratory with Mark Sauer, MD, and Michio Hirano, MD, of CUMC demonstrated how the nucleus of a cell can be successfully transferred between human egg cells. This landmark achievement carries significant implications for those children who have the potential to inherit mitochondrial diseases.

Mitochondria are cellular organelles responsible for the maintenance and growth of a cell. They contain their own set of genes, passed from mother to child, and are inherited independently from the cell's nucleus. Although mitochondrial DNA accounts for only 37 out of more than 20,000 genes in an individual, mutations to mitochondrial genes carry harmful effects.

Mitochondrial disorders, due to mutations in mitochondrial DNA, affect approximately 1 in 10,000 people, while nearly 1 in 200 individuals carries mutant mitochondrial DNA. Symptoms, manifesting most often in childhood, may lead to stunted growth, kidney disease, muscle weakness, neurological disorders, loss of vision and hearing, and respiratory problems, among others. Worldwide, a child is born with a mitochondrial disease approximately every 30 minutes, and there are currently no cures for these devastating diseases.

"Through this study, we have shown that it should be possible to prevent the inheritance of mitochondrial disorders," said Egli, PhD, co-author of the study and an Senior Researcher in the NYSCF Laboratory. "We hope that this technique can be advanced quickly toward the clinic where studies in humans can show how the use of this process could help to prevent mitochondrial disease."

In this study, the researchers removed the nucleus of an unfertilized egg cell and replaced it with the nucleus of another donor's egg cell. The resultant egg cell contained the genome of the donor but not her mitochondrial DNA. The researchers demonstrated that the transfer did not have detectable adverse effects on the egg cell, a prerequisite for clinical translation. They achieved this by lowering the temperature of the egg before nuclear transfer, a novel technique. Previous studies report adverse consequences in approximately 50% of the egg cells.

The researchers then artificially activated the egg cell through a technique called parthenogenesis and derived stem cell lines from the blastocyst that developed. These cell lines were grown for more than a year and generated adult cell types such as neurons, heart cells and pancreatic beta cells that are affected by mutant mitochondrial DNA. They found the levels of the donated genome's original mitochondria to be undetectable, demonstrating that this would permanently eliminate the mitochondrial DNA and prevent a family's future generations from developing these diseases.

Current treatment options to prevent mitochondrial disease are limited. A woman with a family history of mitochondrial disease may abstain from having children. She may alternatively elect to undergo in vitro fertilization (IVF) with donor eggs; however, this means the child will be genetically unrelated to her. As another option, patients can undergo IVF treatment and, through prenatal screening, to allow clinicians to select from a mother's eggs those that have the least likelihood of carrying mitochondrial DNA defects. This is not, however, a fully effective screening process, and her children may still be affected by mitochondrial disorders.

"Women who carry mutant mitochondrial DNA may no longer have to worry that their children will become sick. This technique may allow us to provide women with a therapeutic option that will prevent these disorders," said Sauer, MD, a co-author on the paper and Vice Chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Chief of Reproductive Endocrinology at Columbia University Medical Center. Sauer is also Program Director of Assisted Reproduction at the Center for Women's Reproductive Care.

"We often know too late that a patient runs the risk of passing on defective mitochondria to her children. It is absolutely devastating to a patient and her family," said Hirano, MD, Professor of Neurology and Co-Director of the Adult Muscular Dystrophy Association clinic at Columbia University Medical Center, where he sees patients with mitochondrial disease. "This new technique offers an effective solution by ensuring only healthy mitochondria are present in the egg cells."

The scientists plan to move toward clinical application using this technique. Next steps include the production of more mitochondrial disease-free egg cells and the generation of healthy progeny in an animal model.

The research was conducted in the New York Stem Cell Foundation Laboratory in Manhattan and in collaboration with Columbia University Medical Center clinicians and researchers.

Funding for this research was provided by private sources and New York State. The oocyte donations required for the research adhered to ethical guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the International Society for Stem Cell Research as well as protocols reviewed and approved by the institutional review board and stem cell committees of Columbia University Medical Center. Additionally, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, a British organization, has endorsed this line of research to prevent mitochondrial disease.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Columbia University Medical Center.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Daniel Paull, Valentina Emmanuele, Keren A. Weiss, Nathan Treff, Latoya Stewart, Haiqing Hua, Matthew Zimmer, David J. Kahler, Robin S. Goland, Scott A. Noggle, Robert Prosser, Michio Hirano, Mark V. Sauer, Dieter Egli. Nuclear genome transfer in human oocytes eliminates mitochondrial DNA variants. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11800

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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The best-laid plans: How we update our goals based on new information

Dec. 18, 2012 ? Humans are adept at setting goals and updating them as new situations arise -- for example, a person who is playing a video game may switch to a new goal when their phone rings.

Now, Princeton University researchers have identified mechanisms that govern how the brain incorporates information about new situations into our existing goals, according to research recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Using brain scans of human volunteers, researchers at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute (PNI) found that updating goals takes place in a region known as the prefrontal cortex, and appears to involve signals associated with the brain chemical dopamine. When the researchers used a magnetic pulse to interrupt activity in that region of the brain, the volunteers became unable to switch to a new task when playing a game requiring them to push a button after seeing letters pop up on a screen.

"We have found a fundamental mechanism that contributes to the brain's ability to concentrate on one task and then flexibly switch to another task," said Jonathan Cohen, Princeton's Robert Bendheim and Lynn Bendheim Thoman Professor in Neuroscience and co-director of PNI. "Impairments in this system are central to many critical disorders of cognitive function such as those observed in schizophrenia and obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Cohen worked with lead author Kimberlee D'Ardenne, who earned her Ph.D. in chemistry and neuroscience from Princeton in 2008 and is now a postdoctoral associate at Virginia Tech; Neir Eshel, a graduate student at Harvard Medical School who conducted the research as an undergraduate as part of his Princeton senior thesis; Joseph Luka, a medical student at Tulane University School of Medicine; Agatha Lenartowicz, a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California-Los Angeles; and Leigh Nystrom, co-director of the Neuroscience Cognitive Control Laboratory at PNI.

Existing research has shown that when new information is used to update a task, behavior or goal, this information is held in a type of short-term memory storage known as working memory. Investigators did not know, however, what mechanisms were involved in updating this information.

To find out, Cohen's team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to scan the brains of human volunteers playing a game wherein they pressed a specific button depending on a particular visual cue. If the volunteer saw the letter A prior to seeing the letter X, he or she had to press button 1. But if the volunteer saw the letter B prior to seeing the X, the participant had to press button 2. The A and B served as the new information that the participant used to update their goal of deciding which button to press. Another version of the task required the same participants to press button 1 upon seeing an X regardless of whether an A or B was shown.

With the fMRI, the researchers detected activity in the right prefrontal cortex during tasks that required the participants to remember whether they saw an A or a B before pressing the correct button, but not during tasks where the participant only had to press the button when prompted by an X.

These results confirmed findings from a previous study led by Cohen and published in the journal Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience in 2010 that used another scanning method to gauge the timing of the brain activity. Using electroencephalography (EEG), the researchers found that the prefrontal cortex showed a spike in brain electrical activity 150 milliseconds after the participant viewed the context letter A or B.

For the current study, the researchers demonstrated that the prefrontal cortex is indeed the area of the brain involved with updating working memory by sending a short magnetic pulse to the region. This pulse disrupted cortex activity at the precise time -- as revealed by the EEG -- the researchers suspected that the prefrontal cortex was updating working memory. When the researchers introduced the pulse to the right side of prefrontal cortex about 150 milliseconds after the volunteers saw the A or B, the participants were unable to press the correct buttons, Cohen said.

"We predicted that if the pulse was delivered to the part of the right prefrontal cortex observed using fMRI, and at the time when the brain is updating its information as revealed by EEG, then the subject would not retain the information about A and B, interfering with his or her performance on the button-pushing task," Cohen said.

Finally, the researchers explored their theory that dopamine -- a naturally occurring chemical involved in motivation and reward among other brain functions -- tags new information entering the prefrontal cortex as important for updating working memory and goals. Cohen and his team imaged a brain region called the midbrain, which contains clusters of nerve cells called dopaminergic nuclei that are the source of most of the dopamine signals in the brain. Using high-resolution fMRI, the researchers probed the activity of these dopamine-releasing cells in the brains of volunteers engaged in the game described above. The researchers found that the brain activity in these areas correlated both with the activity in the right prefrontal cortex and with the ability of the volunteers to press the correct buttons.

"The remarkable part was that the dopamine signals correlated both with the behavior of our volunteers and their brain activity in the prefrontal cortex," Cohen said. "This constellation of findings provides strong evidence that the dopaminergic nuclei are enabling the prefrontal cortex to hold on to information that is relevant for updating behavior, but not information that isn't."

David Badre, a Brown University assistant professor of cognitive, linguistic and psychological sciences, said that the work is an important step forward in understanding how working memory is updated. Badre is familiar with the work but had no role in it.

In a commentary published online Nov. 9 by PNAS, Badre wrote: "The mechanisms by which the brain achieves an adaptive balance between flexibility and stability remain the basis of much current investigation in cognitive neuroscience. These results provide a basis for new investigations into the neural mechanisms of flexible, goal-directed behavior."

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Princeton University. The original article was written by Catherine Zandonella.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal References:

  1. K. D'Ardenne, N. Eshel, J. Luka, A. Lenartowicz, L. E. Nystrom, J. D. Cohen. From the Cover: Feature Article: Role of prefrontal cortex and the midbrain dopamine system in working memory updating. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; 109 (49): 19900 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1116727109
  2. D. Badre. Opening the gate to working memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012; 109 (49): 19878 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1216902109

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Nordstrom family scion keeps up with Amazon online

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - The future of retail came to Jamie Nordstrom not in a dream, but though his email inbox from Inc, the online retailer that Nordstrom now targets as his biggest rival.

The 40 year-old, great-grandson of Nordstrom Inc founder John W. Nordstrom and president of Nordstrom Direct ordered a fishing tackle box from Amazon last year. And then he received emails from Amazon about other tackle boxes for five straight days.

On the sixth day, Amazon sent an email to buy an additive that is often used to preserve gasoline in boats stored over the winter -- an example of Amazon's strength crunching customer data to provide more relevant recommendations.

"I was like, 'Crap, I need some of that.' They got me and all I had to do was literally hit a button. That's incredibly valuable," Nordstrom said during an appearance at the Milken Institute Global Conference earlier this year.

Nordstrom, who already has his company's online business growing at a greater pace than its rivals, sees this "personalization" as the new front in the retail wars, delivering the high levels of customer service that the department store is already known for.

That's why Nordstrom is going on the offensive against Amazon, spending heavily on technology and luring talent from Amazon and Microsoft Corp. to super-charge his family department store chain's growth.

At a time when others are still playing defense or trying to match Amazon, Jamie Nordstrom is seen as a leader in the retail industry's attempts to grow online.

"I really respect a lot of what's going on at Nordstrom online and Jamie Nordstrom runs that," said Scot Wingo, chief executive of e-commerce firm ChannelAdvisor. "He's focused on putting customers first and that's led him into these new areas."

The scion of the Seattle-based retailing family led a multi-year integration of Nordstrom's stores and website that was completed in 2009 - years before most retailers.

Now, in addition to personalization, he's going after the world's largest Internet retailer with a mobile device strategy and broader online selection.

"E-commerce is going to be where the majority of our future growth comes from, period," Nordstrom said in September at a National Retail Federation conference. "We're building a foundation to be successful in that environment. That's where the battle will be won or lost."

Retailers like Best Buy Co Inc and Barnes & Noble Inc are losing sales to Internet rivals as more people shop online, lured by low prices, vast selection and the convenience of faster shipping.

This year on Black Friday, traditionally the most important shopping day in the United States, online sales surged 26 percent, while store sales dropped an estimated 1.8 percent, according to comScore Inc and ShopperTrak, respectively.

For Nordstrom, such rapid online sales growth is business as usual. Third-quarter sales at the company's department stores rose 8.1 percent compared to the same period a year earlier, while sales at Nordstrom Direct, as the online business is known, jumped 38 percent. While it's from a much smaller base, that growth outstripped the rate of Amazon's third-quarter sales, which climbed 27 percent.

"They have always been on the forefront and Jamie knows his stuff, knows the competition and remains humble," said Jennifer Black, a retail analyst at Jennifer Black & Associates who has covered Nordstrom for more than a decade, who began her career there and meets with Jamie Nordstrom at least once a year.

"If you ask Jamie what he wants to be when he grows up, he wants to compete with the likes of Amazon," she added. "That's setting the bar high and I think that's good."

The main difference between Jamie Nordstrom and other retail executives is his willingness to spend heavily on long-term projects, another Amazon trait, according to Josh Berman, co-founder of MySpace and CEO of online fashion start-up BeachMint.

At the start of 2012, Nordstrom unveiled a $3.3 billion, five-year capital plan of which about 30 percent was to be spent on e-commerce and technology. That is double the amount Nordstrom allocated to those areas in its capital plan a year earlier.


When Berman and Nordstrom met at the Milken conference in Los Angeles in May, they reminisced about their first jobs as stock boys at Nordstrom.

Berman had a holiday job in the stockroom of the Nordstrom in Woodland Hills, California, when he was 16, while Jamie Nordstrom began his career as a teenager in the stockroom of a Nordstrom store.

"This was about 27 years ago and he was very familiar, not only with the mall I worked at, but with the ins and outs of the specific department I worked in," Berman said.

Jamie Nordstrom is now part of a nine-person team that runs the company. He's the second cousin of three other Nordstroms on the team: Blake, president of Nordstrom; Erik, president of stores; and Peter, who runs merchandising.

Before 2005, and the company's physical stores had different products and prices and separate marketing, human resources and accounting departments.

Jamie Nordstrom combined the two, giving sales staff and customers access to any product in inventory at any time. Nordstrom can also fulfill online orders from stores, or order an item online that has run out in stores.

The system can also route online orders to stores where items are selling slowly, keeping turnover high and limiting price mark downs, according Kimberly Greenberger, an analyst at Morgan Stanley.

Most retailers, including Wal-Mart Stores Inc and Macy's Inc, have only recently set up such systems, known as multi-channel fulfillment.

Now Nordstrom plans to show more relevant recommendations to customers online and to their smartphones. The best selling online categories include: women's and men's apparel, jewelry, and cosmetics. Such information will also show up in Nordstrom stores through sales staff using Apple Inc iPads and iPod Touch devices.

"Retailers that are investing in the back end of that - to deliver that personalized information - are the ones that are going to win," Nordstrom said, noting that the company has more than 10,000 mobile point-of-sale devices in its stores. "We're betting pretty hard on that."

To get all this done, he has hired more than 400 new employees with experience in areas such as software engineering and website development.

Last year, Nordstrom hired Kirk Beardsley, an e-commerce executive from Microsoft, who was director of business development at Amazon for over seven years.

Other Microsoft and Amazon employees have followed Beardsley to Nordstrom Direct.

"We've been on an online growth strategy, you could say, for eight years now," Nordstrom said. "At different steps along the way we see opportunities to make a step change in our capabilities. In 2012, we saw an opportunity."

(Editing by Leslie Gevirtz)


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Thar's gold in them thar termite nests!

Termites are unearthing gold in Australia, and scientists suggest their nests could reveal where miners might strike it rich.

Mineral resources currently account for roughly one-third of Australia's exports. One promising site for gold down under is the Moolart Well deposit in the Western Australian Goldfields region, but gold remains difficult to find there even after nearly 150 years of mining.

"The problem that we face in mining exploration is that a layer of eroded material is covering the gold, effectively hiding it," said researcher Aaron Stewart, an entomologist at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization.

Now Stewart and his colleagues suggest miners might want to rely on termites as miniature prospectors. The nests of the insects apparently can hold gold dust, revealing hints of treasures hidden deep underground.

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      The Cambridge Digital Library has just made available thousands of pages from fragile religious manuscripts for Internet users' perusal, including a 2,000-year-old copy of the Ten Commandments, known as the "Nash Papyrus."

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    4. First cheesemakers date back 7,500 years

"Using termite nests could help exploration companies narrow down the area that they need to drill," Stewart said. "This has the potential to save a lot of money."

Scientists have often relied on insects to guide exploration. For instance, paleontologists often root through ant mounds to look for any miniature fossil bones and teeth the insects might have carried back to their nests.

Stewart and his colleagues analyzed samples from 22 nests of the termite Tumulitermes tumuli, as well as the surrounding soil. These mounds were located in a known gold-rich area.

The researchers found the termite nests contained high concentrations of gold, with levels five to six times higher than concentrations found more than 16 feet away from the mounds. The scientists detailed their findings in the November issue of the journal Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis.

"The amount of gold found in the nests is actually very low," Stewart said. "It gives us the indication of a hidden deposit, but you can't see the gold and you wouldn't be able to extract any meaningful amount from the nest."

"The termites are not specifically selecting gold to bring into their nests," Stewart added. "It is a fortunate consequence of their habit of building nests, in part from material sourced a few meters below the surface."

Their findings suggest the insects can burrow three to 13 feet into the Earth to reach gravel laden with traces of gold surrounding the deposit of the precious metal. "It is surprising that such small nests are able to vertically move enough material to reveal the buried resource," Stewart said.

This species of termite is widespread across Australia, but the researchers note that other termite species there may also provide useful information for mining companies, such as subterranean termites that form sheaths of soil over food sources. In fact, "there is a history in Africa of termite use for exploration" for gold and other precious minerals, Stewart said. The novelty of this work is how it provides "hard evidence of just how deep they can effectively reveal traces of gold deposits from." As such, termites could provide a new, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way of exploring for new mineral deposits.

"It's kind of cool that you can use insects for prospecting," said insect physiologist Jeffrey Spring at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, who did not take part in this study. "The researchers now probably have to expand their work to some other areas to see if it's really practical ? it's one thing to go where you know gold is, but is it worth the effort to look at termite mounds in other areas?"

Stewart and his colleagues also found this species of termite not only carries gold up from below, but carries other metals inside them as well, originally contained within the plant matter they feed on.

"Metals that that are ingested in food, like zinc, are excreted in poo leading to high concentrations within nests," Stewart said.

Termites have organs called malpighian tubules that roughly correspond to human kidneys. The scientists found these tubules are responsible for the formation of metal-rich "concretions" much like kidney stones in people, findings the researchers detailed in the journal PLoS ONE last month.

"The concretions are one of the ways that insects use to expel excess metals from their bodies," Stewart said. A better understanding of termite biology may be of interest to researchers studying the way specific proteins bind to potentially poisonous metals for detoxification, he added.

Charles Q. Choi is a freelance science writer based in New York City who has written for The New York Times, Scientific American, Wired, Science, Nature, and many other news outlets.

Inside Science News Service is supported by the American Institute of Physics.

? 2012 All rights reserved.


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Questions of 'Why' and 'How' fill pews in CT town

NEWTOWN, Conn. ? Six-year-old Jennifer Waters came to Mass on Sunday at Saint Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church with a lot of questions.

"The little children, are they with the angels?" she asked her mother as she fiddled with a small plastic Sonic the Hedgehog figurine on a pew near the back of the church. "Are they going to live with the angels?"

All across this postcard-perfect New England town, children and adults alike had questions: How could a merciful and just God allow something like Friday's massacre at the Sandy Hook School, which claimed the lives of 20 children ? none older than 7 ? and six teachers?

Rabbi Shaul Praver of Congregation Adath Israel wanted to make one thing clear to the classmates of 6-year-old victim Noah Pozner: "This is not an act of God. This is an act of a crazy man."

As police work to learn why 20-year-old Adam Lanza would kill his mother and attack his old elementary school, residents of this close-knit town of 27,000 sought solace in each other's company and in the presence of God.

The Rev. Kathleen Adams-Shepherd, rector at Trinity Episcopal Church on Main Street, was at the Sandy Hook firehouse with the families who lost children and has conducted services and counseling sessions since. Her church will host two children's funerals this week, but on Sunday she projected calm as she spoke of questions unanswerable "in human terms."

She began a sermon with thanks in many directions ? for far-flung clergy "who just got in the cars and drove here to help," for congregation members who pitched in, for the town's first responders who rushed to the school. Her own son is a firefighter who was there.

She called for prayers for all of them, for those injured ? and for the gunman's family ? but most for the families of "those lovely little children now gone from this place and their teachers who shielded them."

"Your tears and questions of faith have moved me," Adams-Shepherd said in a quiet voice. She told of receiving innumerable calls and emails, mentioning in particular a 16-year-old church member who urged all not to lose faith.

"Was God absent from our world on Friday? Indeed not," she said, citing the people all over the world moved by Newtown's ordeal and "flocking to churches and temples and mosques."

The shooting was in prayers at congregations in other U.S. towns. At Wyoming Presbyterian Church in Millburn, N.J., for instance, the congregation stood, held hands and sang the Sunday School staple, "Jesus loves the little children" ? and many, weeping, put their arms around their own children, even if they were now adults.

A theologian once counseled "not to give simple solutions to life's tragedies" like the school massacre, Adams-Shepherd noted. "It is inexplicable in human terms."

"None of us will find answers alone to this unfathomable crisis," she said. "Keep loving and praying."

Later in the service, saying "we pray especially for," Adams-Shepherd slowly read the victims' first names, which echoed off the tall gothic arches and stained-glass windows of the small stone church.

Across town at Saint Rose, an overflow crowd of more than 800 people attended the 9 a.m. service.

Lanza and his mother, Nancy, worshipped there, and the son attended the Saint Rose school for a time. Now, the church staff are preparing for eight children's funerals later this week.

Boxes of tissues were placed strategically in each pew and on window sills. The altar was adorned with bouquets, one in the shape of a broken heart, with a zigzag of red carnations cutting through the white ones.

The Rev. Jerald Doyle, the diocesan administrator, officiated. Letters of condolence from the pope and Archbishop William Lori, who left the Bridgeport diocese this year to become archbishop in Baltimore, were read at the start of Mass.

In his homily, Doyle tried to answer the question of how parishioners could find joy in the holiday season with so much sorrow surrounding them.

"You won't remember what I say, and it will become unimportant," he said. "But you will really hear deep down that word that will finally and ultimately bring peace and joy. That is the word by which we live. That is the word by which we hope. That is the word by which we love."

At Adath Israel, nestled in a remote an area of stone walls, rolling hills and woods, people slowly approached the simple cedar-shake structure as a light, cold rain fell. They filed past a blue-and-gold "Happy Hanukkah" banner and a bronze tablet honoring those lost in the Nazi Holocaust.

"We are forever grateful to those who fight tyranny, to our country, and to this wonderful community for allowing us to gather here and practice our faith in peace," the plaque read.

Sunday classes went on as planned at the temple, but without Rabbi Praver. He was meeting with Noah's family to planning the boy's funeral.

A police officer kept watch over the parking lot, but congregation president Andrew Paley crossed the road to speak to the media.

Paley's twin sons, fourth-graders, were at the school ? one in the art room, the other in the gym. They heard the shots, saw the bodies.

Saturday was the last night of Hanukkah, and the boys celebrated at home with family. Paley has shielded them from news reports, but he said there are lessons to be had from this tragedy.

"The message, if anything, is that there is good that comes out of evil," he said. "It's the heroism and the community strength that's really coming forward here in Newtown. We're a small-knit community. The Jewish community is smaller. But we all are all together in this."

After Mass, Joan and Jennifer Waters stopped by a makeshift memorial of votive candles, flowers and stuffed animals to pray the "Our Father."

"Can we get these?" Jennifer asked her mother.

"No, those are for the little children," her mother replied.

"Who died?" her daughter asked.

"Yes," said her mother, wiping away a tear.

As for Jennifer's earlier question, her mother assured her that they were surely in heaven.


Associated Press Writers Christopher Sullivan in Newtown and James Martinez in Millburn, N.J., contributed to this report.


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Saturday, December 15, 2012

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Obama remains committed to assault weapons ban, White House ...

WASHINGTON (CNN) ? The White House said President Barack Obama supports reinstatement of a federal ban on assault weapons ? a position he took in the 2008 campaign but failed to press during his first term.

?It does remain a commitment of his,? presidential spokesman Jay Carney told reporters as the nation reeled from a mass shooting in Connecticut that mainly killed school children.

An emotional Obama did not address that issue directly in a televised statement from the White House on the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown that killed 26 people but said something had to be done.

?We?re going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics,? said Obama, the father of two girls.

He wiped away tears when he spoke of the ?beautiful little kids? killed in the massacre.

Police recovered three weapons from the scene: a semi-automatic .223 Bushmaster rifle, a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both handguns, according to a source with knowledge of the investigation.

Others also spoke out for a strong federal response.

?We cannot simply accept this as a routine product of modern American life. If now is not the time to have a serious discussion about gun control and the epidemic of gun violence plaguing our society, I don?t know when is,? Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, said in a statement.

Congress approved a ban on assault weapons in 1994. The prohibition, which expired in 2004, did not eliminate them, but restricted their features, limiting magazine capacity to 10 rounds and regulating pistol grips, bayonet attachments and flash suppressors.

Gun rights generally divide Americans.

A Pew poll conducted after the 2011 assassination attempt on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, that killed six other people, found that 49% of Americans said it was ?more important to protect the rights of Americans to own guns,? while 46% said it was ?more important to control gun ownership.?

But a survey conducted by CNN/ORC International in August shortly after the deadly theater mass shooting earlier this year in Aurora, Colorado, found that 76% of those surveyed believe ?there should be some restrictions on owning guns.?

Obama supported a platform while running for president in 2008 that included reinstating the assault weapons ban, but has largely avoided the issue of gun control during his first term.

He wrote an opinion piece two months after the Giffords shooting acknowledging the importance of the Second Amendment right to bear arms and called for a ?focus? on ?effective steps that will actually keep those irresponsible, law-breaking few from getting their hands on a gun in the first place.?

Obama said at a presidential debate in October that he wanted a ?broader conversation? in general about reducing gun violence.

?Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault weapons ban reintroduced,? he said.

The National Rifle Association, which advocates for gun rights, said in a statement it would not have anny comment on the Connecticut shooting ?until the facts are thoroughly known.?

Kristin Goss, an associate professor of public policy and political science at Duke University and author of ?Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America? earlier this year that the pro gun control side of the issue ?has struggled to come up with a compelling narrative? to convince more people to support stricter gun laws.

?For a long time, these gun violence rates and massacres speak for themselves. They relied on that to make the case but were up against a very powerful but very well disciplined and skillful army that was good at taking those arguments apart,? Goss said.


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Friday, December 14, 2012

Lenovo ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU)

The Lenovo ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU) ($899.99 list) is an ultrabook convertible, with a swinging screen that can twist around to work part time as a tablet. It's centered around its bright 12.5-inch IPS screen, one that is easy on the eyes, and has a price tag that is comparable to the midrange ultrabooks with similar internal components. It's definitely made for those people who want to make extensive use the touch functions in Windows 8. That said, it's really a clamshell laptop convertible tablet like the ones that Lenovo has been making for the past half-dozen years. It's the natural evolution of the Tablet PC concept of the mid-2000s.

Design and Features
The ThinkPad Twist is essentially a thinner ultrabook version of the Lenovo ThinkPad x230t convertible laptop that the company has been producing for years. It uses magnesium alloy construction, a sealed battery, capacitive-only touch screen, and ultrabook-spec compenents to shrink down to a 0.79-inch thickness, with 12.5 by 9.5 inches as its other measurements. The whole shebang comes in at 3.37 pounds, which is about the same as the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 (3.4 pounds) and imperceptibly heavier than the Dell XPS 12 (3.3 pounds). These systems all aim for the same segment of the touch-screen market: Ultrabook convertibles that also come with full-sized mechanical keyboards and pointing devices. It's fully useable as a clamshell ultrabook, but can twist around to become a slate, and function in other configurations as well.

The system's 12.5-inch IPS display twists around so it can be viewed as usual above the keyboard, or flipped all the way around so the system can work like a tablet. The screen can be viewed at all the angles that the Lenovo Yoga 13 can, plus all the orientations when you twist the screen around. That way you can view the screen easel style, like a screen without the keyboard below it, like a slate, or like a clamshell laptop. This trumps the Dell XPS 12 and Sony VAIO Duo 11, both of which have more limited angles where you can use them. The display has a 1,366 by 768 resolution, fine for 720p HD, but short of the 1,920-by-1,080 resolution needed for true 1080p videos. This isn't too much of a problem, as 1080p displays tend to show tiny text at screen sizes below 13 inches, as shown on the 11-inch Acer Iconia W700-6465 tablet. A slightly more prominent nit is that the touch screen only supports five points of touch. This is okay for most functions, but if you ever share the screen with another person or if you use both hands, there will be a point when the touch capacity of the screen is overtaxed. This will likely come up if you use the screen to type on a virtual keyboard or play virtual musical instruments.

As a small business system, Lenovo added both a single piece trackpad and their signature TrackPoint to the ThinkPad Twist's keyboard. The keyboard is the current Lenovo keyboard with curved chiclet-style keys that are very easy to type on. The single-piece trackpad has the mouse buttons built in, though there is a row of three mouse buttons (right, left, and center/scroll) below the space bar for the TrackPoint. The keyboard's function keys have icons on them, and work primarily according to those functions. For example, F1 is mute, F9 brings up the PC Settings, and F10 brings up Windows 8's search bar. This is a better use of the function keys. If you use a program that needs the traditional F1-F12 keys, you can use the Fn key.

The screen rotation key and the power button are on the side of the screen, and there is an extra set of volume control keys on the front of the screen bezel for use when the screen is in slate tablet mode. The sides of the chassis hold two USB 3.0 ports, a SIM card slot for the optional WWAN modem (not installed in our test system), a SD card reader, a mini-DisplayPort, Ethernet port, and a mini-HDMI port. Mini-HDMI is more of a problem than mini-DisplayPort, as min-HDMI adapters are harder to come by. The setup would have been more convenient with a full-size HDMI port.

The ThinkPad Twist comes with a small selection of added software, including apps like Evernote, Sktich, Amazon Kindle, Skype, eBay, and Thankfully all of these apps are installed in the Windows 8 Start screen, and not in the system's desktop mode, where they would look cluttered. The system includes both the Windows Store and an Intel equivalent called Intel AppUp. You can also add other programs you download or install with an external optical drive ($79.99).

Lenovo ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU) The ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU) comes with a familiar processor: the Intel Core i5-3317U with integrated Intel HD Graphics 4000. This is a very common processor in ultrabooks like the ThinkPad Twist. The system also comes with 4GB of DDR3 memory, a 24GB mSATA cache SSD, and a 500GB 7,200rpm hard drive for storage. The combo is good for passable numbers on FutureMark's PC Mark 7 benchmark test, though they trail the score put up by SSD-powered systems like the Acer W700 and the Lenovo Yoga 13, both of which share the Twist's Core i5 processor and 4GB of memory. The scores are closer on the CineBench graphics rendering test and the Photoshop CS6 test, but the ThinkPad Twist lagged a bit behind the others on the Handbrake video encode test, also because of the slower hard drive. That said, you'll have a lot more room on the Twist for that video, since the Twist has a 500GB drive, more than double or triple the space on the SSD-powered systems.

The ThinkPad Twist was more mediocre on the battery rundown test. It managed a middling 4 hours, 10 minutes while systems like the Acer W700 (6:34) and Dell XPS 12 (5:09) exceeded five hours. The ThinkPad Twist did beat the Sony Duo 11, which barely got three hours of battery life (3:09).

In summation, the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist excels at some things (keyboard, familiar layout, screen quality), yet is middling at others (battery life, weight, five-point touch). It lacks the ThinkPad X230t's included stylus and stylus support, so it's certainly not as capable as that Editors' Choice laptop. At this price point, the Editors' Choice for ultrabooks the Toshiba Portege Z935-P300 is still a better choice, since for the time being Windows 8 and it's touch functions aren't a must have for the small business. However, if you want to be ahead of the curve and start using Windows 8 for business or development, then the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist and its cousin the IdeaPad Yoga are decent choices. Try them both out at a big box store and see how they feel. Both have merits and drawbacks to their respective designs, but both work as clamshell laptops that can work part time as tablets.


Compare the Lenovo ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU) with several other laptops side by side.

More laptop reviews:
??? Lenovo ThinkPad Twist (3347-4HU)
??? Acer Iconia W700-6465
??? Acer C7 Chromebook (C710-2847)
??? Acer Aspire V5-571-6891
??? Acer Aspire S3-391-6046
?? more



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EU close to deal on bank capital rules, curbing bonuses

LONDON/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union is close to a deal over tougher capital rules for banks after officials struck a series of preliminary agreements, including to introduce the rules in January 2014 and to cap bankers' bonuses.

EU states and the European Parliament met in Strasbourg, France, on Thursday and failed to agree an overall deal on a law to implement so-called Basel III rules, which require banks to hold more capital as a buffer against business setbacks.

However, progress was made and a spokeswoman for the parliament said there would be a further meeting on Tuesday to iron out remaining issues.

"We are on the cusp of an agreement," Othmar Karas, the Austrian centre-right lawmaker steering the measure through parliament, told Reuters after the meeting.

The progress came on the same day EU governments reached a landmark deal to give the European Central Bank new powers to supervise banks, boosting confidence in the bloc as it enters the fourth year of a debt crisis.

The Basel III rules are part of a drive by regulators across the world to prevent a repeat of the 2007-09 financial crisis. They would force the EU's 8,000 banks to triple the amount of capital they hold compared with before the crisis, in the hope that would make them strong enough to cope with market shocks without the need for a repeat of taxpayer-funded rescues.

World leaders agreed in 2010 that Basel III should be phased in over six years from January, but that deadline is already unfeasible in both Europe and the United States as banks and governments squabble over the details.

The delay in implementing Basel III means banks and investors are left in the dark for longer about the exact impact of new rules on future profitability as actual laws are likely to diverge in some respects from the Basel accord.

The EU negotiations on Thursday tentatively settled on a January 2014 start, a parliamentary source said.

The EU's 27 states were represented by the bloc's president, Cyprus, and the elements agreed at the meeting could still be thrown out by member states next week. The parliament aims to vote on a final deal in February.


One key hurdle to a deal has been parliament's insistence that a bonus should be no more than a banker's salary, further tightening EU restrictions on bank pay which are already the toughest in the world.

But lawmakers gave some ground on Thursday.

Bonuses would still be no more than the salary but, with shareholder approval, could go up to twice that level.

"A 1 to 1 bonus to salary ratio should be the norm but shareholders can take it to 2 to 1," Karas said.

However, two thirds of a bank's shareholders would have to be present for a vote on higher bonuses, he added.

Alex Beidas, a partner who specializes in employee incentives at Linklaters law firm said the compromise was still far more restrictive than banks had hoped for but there may be ways around it.

"The other glimmer of hope is that the proposal refers to a cap on the bonus rather than variable pay. This could mean that banks are not restricted from granting other forms of pay to staff such as share awards," Beidas said.

The deal on bonuses came after parliament agreed to member states' insistence on implementing other elements of the Basel accord - a balance sheet cap and long-term liquidity buffer - through new legislation, which could be shaped by governments, rather than delegating the task to the European Commission.

Britain has lobbied to give local supervisors leeway to impose capital requirements well above Basel's minimum of 7 percent of a bank's risk-weighted assets.

Thursday's talks tentatively agreed to allow a total buffer of up to 15 percent overall or 8 percent above the Basel minimum, a parliamentary source said.

Separately, the global Basel Committee, which wrote Basel III, is meeting to discuss easing its planned liquidity buffer as economic conditions remain tough.

It is not clear if the committee will issue a statement on Friday or wait until its conclusions have been signed off by its oversight body which is expected to meet next month.

(Reporting by Huw Jones, additional reporting by Claire Davenport in Brussels; Editing by Anthony Barker and Mark Potter)


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Meet Chuck Hagel, Your 'Likely' New Secretary of Defense

LONDON, Dec 13 (Reuters) - The departure of Spanish strugglers HRT from Formula One still leaves the sport with one team too many, commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone said on Thursday. Madrid-based HRT have not been included on the official 2013 entry list published by the governing International Automobile Federation, a move that leaves 11 teams and 22 cars on the starting grid. "I'd rather have 10," Ecclestone told Reuters. "I never wanted 12. "It's just that 10 is easier to handle, for the promoters, for transport. We'd rather have long as we don't lose Ferrari. ...


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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hugo Chavez recovering after 'complex' cancer operation in Cuba

CARACAS, Venezuela - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was recovering in Cuba on Tuesday after an operation targeting an aggressive cancer that has defied multiple treatments and has prompted the socialist leader to name a political successor.

Vice-President Nicolas Maduro spoke on Venezuelan television after the surgery, saying that "it's been a complex operation." He indicated that the surgery lasted more than six hours and said it was completed "correctly and successfully."

Maduro, who was designated by the president on Saturday as his preferred political heir, made the announcement in Caracas flanked by other Chavez aides and military commanders. Maduro then led an outdoor vigil where the president's supporters joined hands in prayer and sang along with a recording of Chavez singing the national anthem.

"We've lived through complex moments of tension," Maduro said, without giving details.

It was the fourth cancer-related operation that Chavez has undergone since June 2011.

Three days before the surgery, Chavez announced that he needed to have surgery again after tests showed "some malignant cells" had reappeared in the same area of his pelvic region where tumours were previously removed.

Chavez said beforehand that the surgery would present risks.

Afterward, Maduro said that Chavez had been moved to a room to recover and begin "special treatments" under the care of a team including medical experts from Venezuela, Cuba and elsewhere.

With Chavez in Havana were his children and grandchildren as well as political allies including National Assembly President Diosdado Cabello and Oil Minister Rafael Ramirez, Maduro said.

"We're waiting for you here," Maduro said, addressing Chavez on television. "You have to return, and we're waiting for you here, your children, we who've sworn to be loyal to you even beyond this life."

Maduro added: "If there were another life, we'd be loyal and we'd be your soldiers forever."

After he spoke, some of the president's supporters in a Caracas plaza broke into chants of "El Comandante will live!"

Supporters held a prayer meeting in downtown Caracas while the surgery was under way, singing hymns.

"We ask God, to allow him to live," said Carmen Romero, who participated in the gathering. Some held up posters of Chavez as they sang.

On the city's streets, Venezuelans on both sides of the country's deep political divide voiced concerns about Chavez's condition and what might happen if he ultimately doesn't survive his illness.

"It's difficult to think about Venezuela without Chavez," said Rafael Perdomo, a mechanic who has supported the president since 1998, when he first ran for the presidency. "I fear that we, the poor, could lose everything if Chavez dies."

Chavez recently said for the first time that if his illness cuts short his presidency, Maduro should take his place and be elected president to continue on with his socialist movement. But Perdomo said he didn't trust Maduro the way he trusts Chavez.

Others Venezuelans said that while they're sorry about Chavez's health and wish him the best, it isn't a particular concern for them. Many were out buying Christmas gifts and shopping for food as they prepared for the holiday season.

"I'm sorry about what is happening to the president, but for many of us life goes on," said Maria Colmenares, a housewife and opposition supporter, as she left a supermarket with bags of groceries and stood on a street corner waiting for a taxi.

"I feel pity for Chavez and his people, especially the Chavistas because they have put all their hopes in the president and they know that nobody is capable of replacing Chavez," Colmenares added. "None of Chavez's collaborators have his charisma."

Chavez received a flurry of get-well messages from leaders across Latin America, including the presidents of Chile, Peru and other countries. Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa, who visited Chavez in Havana on Monday, said his ally was undergoing a "very delicate operation."

"He's passing through one of the hardest moments of his life. Our heart and our solidarity are with a historic president," Correa said at an event Tuesday in the Ecuadorean city of Tulcan.

Those sending messages of support ahead of the operation included American actor Sean Penn, who joined a Monday night candlelight vigil in Bolivia organized by the Venezuelan Embassy. He wore a track suit emblazoned with the colours of Venezuela's flag, just like one that Chavez has worn.

"He is one of the most important forces we've had on this planet. And I will wish him nothing but that great strength he has shown over and over again," Penn told a crowd at the vigil, his voice quavering with emotion. He called Chavez "inspiring."

Throughout his nearly 14-year-old presidency, Chavez has been loved by some Venezuelans and reviled by others as he has nationalized companies, crusaded against U.S. influence and labelled his enemies "oligarchs" and "squalid ones."

The 58-year-old president won re-election in October and is due to be sworn in for a new six-year term on Jan. 10. If Chavez were to die, the constitution says that new elections should be called and held within 30 days.

Chavez first announced he had been diagnosed with cancer in June 2011. He underwent a surgery for a pelvic abscess, and then had a baseball-sized tumour removed from his pelvic area. In February, he underwent another surgery when a tumour reappeared in the same area.

He has also undergone months of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Throughout his treatments in Cuba, Chavez has kept secret some details of his illness, including the exact location and type of the tumours.

Chavez had previously said in July that tests showed he was cancer-free. But he said over the weekend that a new round of tests in Cuba had again found cancerous cells.


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