Saturday, February 11, 2012

Note to LCC ? Love Marriage Relationships ? e-Royal

Dear Friends and Family of LCC,


OK?. So a Rasmussen Poll in 2010 found that 36% of people look forward to Valentine?s Day while 20% dread it.? Another poll said that 27% of married Americans really don?t make any kind of big deal out of it at all.? It seems to be less important to men than women.?


And, somebody told me, there are more men in Wal-Mart on the evening of February 13 than on any other day of the year.? And they look very nervous because the cards and flowers are pretty much gone or mangled.?


So?. Valentine?s day is on Tuesday of next week.? This is just a reminder that there will be a short men?s meeting on Monday night at Wal-Mart and any other store that is open after 10PM.


I hope you are all doing well.? The response to the 10:15 service has been great.? People are getting there a little early and enjoying hanging out and we are still getting out early enough to beat the lunch rush.? We are also growing.? Thanks to all of you who are bringing your friends.? We are growing in attendance and lives are being changed on Sunday mornings at LCC.? We are looking forward to moving to two services on Easter Sunday: April 8 ? And before then if need be?.


Thanks to all of you for your commitment to the LCC family.? God is good and the joy and other emotions on Sunday morning are evidence of His grace and His love as we worship him as a group, serve, and learn from His Word.?


We are committed to love and marriage for the rest of February and into the first week of March.? Bring your friends and family.? If you are single, have a good marriage, a bad marriage, or just want to improve your relationships, LCC will be providing the resources to help make that happen.? Teenagers would benefit from?this series.?? This series will benefit anyone no matter their relationship status.


We will seriously be looking at the love people part of love God and love people.? Please check out this list?..


Sunday Morning Teaching Series:??Falling in Love is Easy ? It Takes Work to Stay In Love

?I was a marriage counselor before I became a pastor.? I often heard, ?I still love him, but I am not in love with him.??


In this four week teaching series I will teach ?the work? part of staying in love that I saw heal marriages over and over again in my counseling practice.? If you plan on being married some day, want to improve a pretty good marriage, or want to save a marriage that?s looking pretty bad, please join me for?this teaching.???You will learn??the work? part of staying in love or falling back in love.?


If you are willing to work, you will be able to love.


The Work of Staying in Love

Feb 12:? Working at Love

Feb 19:? Work?at Expressing Your Love

Feb 26:? Working When Your Needs Are Not Met

March 4:? Working at Having Good Fights


Monday Night Bible Study:? 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love.

?The secret to a strong marriage is more than a feeling or emotion.? It?s six specific kinds of love that must be intentionally pursued and practiced to build a great marriage.

?Forgiving Love ? Serving Love ? Persevering Love ? Guarding Love ? Celebrating Love ? Renewing Love

?Only a marriage built on a relationship with God and on His Word can endure the stress and distractions of married life today.?


Seven Monday Nights:?? 6:45 ? 8:15

Feb 20 ? April 2

Cost $25.00

?The Repass Life Group will be our hosts and Pastor Royal Farris will be leading and be available for questions and confidential assistance.

?You can register online by clicking here?..? It will help with planning if you sign up sooner than later?? Thanks



We have added a Marriage Channel to our website.? Check back to it regularly as I will be adding some teaching videos from me and other teachers.? Thanks to YouTube and other internet sources we have the ability to link some pretty incredible teachers and teachings to our site?.


I hope you are as excited about the future of LCC as I am?.? See you Sunday?..


Blessings from your brotha from anotha motha


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