Sunday, January 27, 2013

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) ? Go Get It! - Blogs - Times Union

CCHS Students Helping out for The EITC

Yesterday I had the privilege to join with Congressman Tonko, Rensselaer County Executive Jimino, Troy Council President Kopka and a plenitude of organizations to celebrate? EITC Awareness Day at the Italian Community Center in Troy.? The concept behind EITC Awareness day is to bring to light the fact that 20% of the population does not file for their EARNED? federal and state income tax credit.? Yes, that is correct, 20% of our population does not access an tax credit they EARNED event thought they have worked to EARN it.

This credit, for those whose household incomes are less than $51,000/year, is something that? has the potential to add $5,891 to a families coffers from the Federal Credit and when combined with the State credit, can increase to $7,953.? Sadly, 20% of those eligible do not know about the credit or do not know how to apply for it.

The good news is there is help. Thanks to a large group of supporters, there are plenty of volunteers to assist eligible parties to apply for the credit by assisting those qualified with filing their income taxes.? The coalition (known as the CA$H Coalition) includes the IRS, NYS Tax & Finance, the Circles of Mercy, the United Way and AARP Tax-Aide.? Yesterday we had on hand students from Catholic Central High School who are trained to file tax returns and they along with others are volunteering their time to help those who need? of assistance access a tax credit they have EARNED.

How can you help?? Just advise those that you know that might be under the $51,000 household threshold to call 211.? This is a free service that is operated by the United Way that can direct people to various locations throughout our region to assist people with their tax preparation for free.? Additionally the United Way will also provide guidance and support on financial literacy as well. All too often individuals who do not seek this credit may not also realize that besides accessing this credit, this might be an opportunity to allocate some of these funds to address other financial issues that they may have.

Thank You to the CA$H Coalition for their effort with EITC and also to our student tax preparers.? You are making a difference in families lives.

Remember ? Call 211!


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