Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Why hello there!

New to the site, not new to roleplaying. I've roamed the internet before, and became a member of various sites when I was a wee, which may theoretically have included here, but if it did, well, I'm sure unable to find out for sure, and here I am now.

I see there's this little X thing in the bottom looking at me still, and not knowing what it is, I'm going to be using the helpful Stumped Thread thing-- oh hey it changed... well I'm still going to use it.

*clears throat*

1) What is my username, and why did I pick it?

My username is Chalchiuhtlicue, a Pre-Colombian Aztec Goddess of Rivers, Waters, and etc, one of the wives of Tlaloc, God of Storms. She was the Sun once, but then there was this thing with Tezcatlipoca, and it didn't go well. That guy's a dick. Why did I pick it? Because out of a pantheon filled to the near brim with blood hungry gods that needed not just animal blood, but human blood in order to do things, she was one of the nice ones, alongside Quetzalcoatl. Nice being relatively speaking, of course.

"But why the Aztecs at all?" I pretend to hear you ask?

Because while I may be slowly drifting to favor the Inca, the Aztecs were my first mythological love of Pre-Colombian America.

2) How'd I find this place?


Why'd I look it up?

Because I want a new place to roleplay.

3) Did I start with tabletop games?

Alas, no, although they've become a staple part of my diet now, including virtual table top games. I used to do a lot of DnD ( 3.5 ) did some 4e, and ultimately moved on to where I am now, the same thing that made me fall in love with the Aztecs, Whitewolf's Scion. Heavily homebrewed now, of course. Concept was amazing, execution... it needed work.

I started with RPing on a non-RP forum years ago. No links~

4) What am I looking for here? Better or more or new roleplay?

Yes. I am looking for those things. All of them.

5) What type of roleplay?

Oh boy, here we go. I have a fondness for nation RP, favoring things without magic, typically in quazi-realistic settings, ranging from World War I ( not II ), all the way back to the Classical Era. I enjoy creating entire worlds to romp around in, or using ours and writing up alternate histories. Steampunk, and Dieselpunk are both cool too. Only problem is too many people see NRPs as competitions where I used to play. No links~

When I'm not doing NRP, I enjoy things of many flavors. I typically play quirky female characters, although their quirkiness is not always a good thing, and may not always last as their world view is ground into dust. Tabletop reference, a quirky peppy Scion of the Aztec Pantheon will not be able to maintain a legitimate happy attitude, and either must become a bit more solemn, or go full insanity which just isn't good.

That said, I enjoy fantasy RPs, although I tend to stay away from unlimited magic sources. If there's not a limit on power, I get afraid of what other players may do, and so I stray. From this, I tend to like systematic and organized RPs better. Like Tabletop and Virtual Tabletops.

6) Hobbies?

I cook, make maps, and write. Lots of writing, and lots of fictional cartography, with a side of iconography with the creation of flags and standards. ... this ultimately links up into my Nation RP tastes. I like to make the maps, write out long elaborate histories and religions and cultures, and make their flags, and icons, and stuff. So really, RP is my hobby.

Oh, also, reading up on ancient cultures, religions, and history in general.

7) Things I'm good at... well, I'm typically good at my hobbies, now aren't I?

At least, I'd like to think I am. Outside of those, I'm at least adept at playing piano, and the trapset drums.

8) Friends? Here?

Not yet. Yet. I'd like that yet to come sooner than later!

9) Cookies?

I'd have to first make them, which means I need to shop for the specific ingredients, and then I'll have to eat the batter that I can't scrape adequately off th-- you know this sounds like fun. Sure.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/gKweDcOWQOQ/viewtopic.php

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